Chapter 14: Cracks in the Glass

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 By the time I reached the house I was shaking and holding back tears as I tried not to hyperventilate. I was far away from the city, I reminded myself. I was safe. I was okay. None of the mantras seemed to be working, though, and I seemed to be jumping at every little noise or movement. I nearly screamed when Oreo crawled up on my lap before realizing it was him.

I ran my hands through his fur, feeling him purr as he curled into me comfortingly. I tried to ground myself on him but ended up just breaking down into tears as I struggled to breathe.

Sebastian: CODE RED

Sam: Where?

Sebastian: My place

Abby: OMW

"What happened?" Sam asked in pants as he barged into Sebastian's room.

"Addie, I don't know. I- well, I said something kind of flirty. And she... her eyes almost became a different person for a moment, and she returned tenfold, but then she freaked the fuck out. Wouldn't let me get anywhere near her and was crying," Sebastian explained as he continued to anxiously run a hand through his hair.

"What'd you say?" Abby asked. She wasn't jealous or judging or placing guilt. She was just assessing the situation.

"I told her she was 'too damn cute' after I messed up her hair," Sebastian relayed. Abby nodded and sighed.

"I... don't know," she admitted. "I mean, it's clear the girls got some baggage."

"Anything beyond just... her?" Sam questioned in the most Sam way possible. Abby shook her head.

"We don't talk about the city, or her past. It hasn't come up basically at all. Sometimes she gets this hundred-yard stare, though... like she isn't really there. She... she just goes through the motions."

"I've noticed that look, too," Sebastian added. Sam agreed as well.

"No matter how much we hate it, boys... this isn't our place to insert ourselves or pry. If... if she wants us to know, she'll tell us." Sebastian and Sam knew that Abigail was right... but that didn't make them hate it any less. 

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