Chapter 13: Materials and Moments

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              "Yeah, I can figure something out! With these materials, it'll probably only cover the four directions the spouts face," Maru explained and drew me a quick sketch. "I'll draw up some simple schematics for you so you can make them on your own and aren't relying on me!" she laughed.

"Thank you. So much. And it was a pleasure to meet you," I smiled. She returned the smile before wandering off back into her lab and muttering about the materials she now held in hand.

"Is Seb home?" I questioned and Maru just said yes. I nodded and hesitantly walked over to the door that led down to the basement. Seb was scared of it as a child and I let myself compare the stark difference. Of course, he wouldn't still be scared of it as an adult, but I didn't peg him as the type to ever live in a basement. I walked diligently down the steps and knocked softly on the door at the end of the stairwell.

"I'm busy mom," he called out.

"Not your mom, but message received!" I called out cheerily as I began to head back up the stairs.

After I'd ascended halfway the door was thrown open and Sebastian yelled "Wait!" causing me to halt and turn around. "You can... visit, for a bit. If you want," he mumbled over his words, and I smiled.

"But aren't you working, Seb?" I questioned and he shrugged. "Okay. I won't bother you long," I laughed and descended the stairs I'd managed to climb. I softly padded into his room and took it in. The room was simple, in some ways, but it was pleasant. They'd added proper flooring and walls, at least, so he wasn't living in a concrete prison. All-in-all, it's better than I'd imagined when Abby told me his bedroom was in the basement.

"I was just finishing up some coding," he said as he rushed back over to his computer. "Just one sec." I gave him the quiet I figured he needed as I wandered over to the game that was set up in the corner. I didn't recognize it, but it seemed to be some roleplay-based game. 'My adorable nerds', I thought to myself and had to force myself to hold in the accompanying snicker.

"Alright, done and submitted!" Sebastian announced and turned to me. "Sorry, sometimes Sam and Abby crash in here and just... won't leave. They can be very distracting to my work... I'm not sure they understand it, you know?" I nodded as I considered his words.

"It can be hard to be in a different line of work," I responded, and he nodded before standing up.

"What brings you down here Addie?" he questioned, and my heart fluttered. Addie. I was back to being Addie. I was Addie to him.

"I was here to see Maru, originally, but I finished that up. Just wanted to check in on you," I smiled as he approached me. He stopped shortly in front of me, and it was the first time I'd felt how truly he towered over me. "You're tall," I mused aloud as I looked up at him.

"Nah, you're just short," he responded with a ghost of a smile as his hand came to land on my head and messed up my hair.

"Hey!" I called as I tried to smooth it back down. "What's that for?" I glared at him playfully.

"For being too damn cute, Addie. It's for you being too damn cute," he responded, and my breathing seized for a moment. My brain short circuited to the point some other switched in me.

"Says you," I practically purred as I moved towards him. It was his turn to freeze in place and forget how to think. But as soon as that switch had been flipped, it switched back. I blinked rapidly and took several large steps back. "Sorry," I muttered as my eyes found the floor. I couldn't help but pick at my fingernails.

"Addie?" Sebastian questioned, taking a step forward. I took a jerky step back and then clutched my hands together, letting out a deep breath.

"I gotta go, Seb, sorry!" I rushed out before running out on him. I tried pushing all of the memories back into their tiny little jail box in my brain, but they just flooded one after another as I stumbled home. 

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