| 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 |

Start from the beginning

The sun has begun to set, and Elenya can feel the tension radiating from Maleficent's form. "Come on, Diaval!", she encourages, her arms tightening around Elenya's midsection anxiously. Elenya lays her hand on Maleficent's for but a moment before returning it to the reins, squeezing her legs with a shouted "Hyah!"

With each passing moment, Elenya hopes for the safety of her daughter. She hopes that, even in his haze of hatred, the mad King manages to protect her from the curse. She remembers the room of burnt spindles, allowing that thought to give her some hope. 

"Faster, Diaval, faster!"

As the sun reaches the horizon, Diaval suddenly stops and rears as he neighs loudly. Maleficent's arms tighten as much as they can around Elenya. When Diaval quiets, Elenya turns to speak to Maleficent, only to see the woman's dejected features. 

"It's done." 

Elenya's hands slacken, her breath hitching at the news, "No..." Maleficent leans forward, resting her head against Elenya's back with a broken sigh.

For a moment, they simply breathe together. Elenya covers both of Maleficent's hands with her own as her head hangs low, squeezing as she feels a tear escape her eye. Maleficent adjusts her hands to thread her fingers through Elenya's, squeezing back.

The sound of Phillip's horse whinnying brings Elenya back to the present. When she opens her eyes, the sun has set and Diaval has gently trotted forward a few paces. "The boy... He can save her", she mutters, giving Maleficent's hands one last squeeze before letting them go and returning her grip to Diaval's reins. "He must", Maleficent whispers, planting a soft kiss on the back of Elenya's armor as Diaval begins to gallop once more.

Arriving at the castle at last, Elenya dismounts first, holding her arms out for Maleficent. She grabs her armored shoulders as Elenya grips her waist, gently assisting her onto the cobblestone ground. As Diaval is transformed back into his human form, Elenya takes a moment to gaze at the castle she once lived in. She never expected to be back, at least not with her brother as the ruler. 

Gentle hands lay on each of her shoulders, reassurance from both Diaval and Maleficent enough to push Elenya forward. She peeks behind her and sees a floating Phillip, a quiet snort leaving her mouth. "What?", Maleficent asks with a knowing gaze. Elenya just shakes her head. "I'll never get used to that."

As the trio continues walking forward, Elenya notices the absence of guards. "They pulled the guards. He's waiting for you in there", Diaval speaks, having noticed at the same moment as the blonde, "If we go inside those walls, we'll never come out alive." Maleficent stays silent for a beat, her eyes never leaving the towering castle. "Then don't come. It's not your fight", she says, continuing her trek forward.

Diaval stays still, scoffing, "Thank you very much." Elenya turns to him, shocked, believing that he was abandoning them. "'I need you, Diaval. I can't do this without you, Diaval'", he mutters under his breath, earning a snicker from Elenya as she pats the man on his back. "I can hear you", Maleficent states, not turning or slowing. Diaval dramatically rolls his eyes, making Elenya giggle again. 

"I am grateful to have a friend like you, Diaval. Thank you for coming", she tells him, hoping to ease his worries. It seems to have worked, as the man smiles and nods his head in appreciation. "At least someone likes me."


Successfully making their way into the castle was a much easier feat than it should've been, leaving Elenya on edge. To make matters worse, once they turn onto a hall leading to Aurora's chamber, they come face-to-face with dozens, if not hundreds, of spiked iron barbs, spanning from the ceiling to the floor, wall to wall. 

𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐚 || maleficentWhere stories live. Discover now