The Phenex arrives and Freedom From Phenex

Start from the beginning

Grayfia:You have the protection of Ophis and Great red?

Ophis:He does

We then see the door open to reveal two ladies walking in

Ophis:I'm ophis and she is great red

Great red:Yup and we are here to make sure that our mutual friend well his after image is handling things well

Nathan: Don't worry great red I got everything under control but I should get back to the real me and remember rias accept the rating game and I'll see you again during your so called fake wedding

He disappears as does ophis and Great red

3rd POV

Time goes on as Rias has accepted the rating game to win her freedom from Riser which Rias and her peerage was given a week to train before the match

After a week of training Rias and the others was still unable to beat riser and his peerage

The day of the "wedding" has arrived which many devil's are in attendance to witness the wedding

Suddenly everyone in the building can hear loud music being played

Play the music up top

Devil 1:Wheres that music coming from?

The devil's look around for the source before two devil's are knocked out by the doors to the building hitting them

Looking towards the entrance the devil's see a human standing in place of where the doors were

Nathan:I told you I would appear during your so called wedding riser phenex

Stop the music

Riser:Guards kill him!

Two devil guards rush at Nathan which he simply unleashes his power causing every devil including the devil kings to fall to their knees after which he stops unleashing his power

Nathan:You won't be harming me that easily riser but before I suggest for me to face you for the freedom of Rias Gremory I believe it's time that a little punishment is dealt to you riser and by sirzechs himself

Sirzechs:He's right... Now Riser phenex I have been told that you have or used to have your familiar to spy on Rias Gremory long before your appointed meeting in the human world

Riser:Riser does what he wants!

Nathan:You just signed your dismissal guys shall we all say what should be said at this moment?

Nathan looks to every male devil in attendance of which the male audience all nod in agreement

Nathan+Every Male Devil (Except Riser and Sirzechs):YOU DONE FUCKED UP NOW RISER!!

Rias:Really guys?

Nathan:it had to be said Rias but anyway Sirzechs continue

Sirzechs:*nods* I have talked to a few discreet individuals who took actions and watched over your actions secretly which what was said about you spying on Rias Gremory is true

Riser:Riser did nothing wrong and besides it's common to spy anyway!

Nathan:only if you are a member of a spy network or if the devil kings have assigned you a spy role so that you can gather Intel for them but just plain spying without a intent of the person's well being is just plain creepy

Koneko:I agree with him

Akeno:Same here

Every female devil agrees with what Nathan said

Sirzechs:Now Riser should you lose this match between you and the human you will be removed from your family and your peerage given to your sister

Riser just gloats saying he will win easily

Sirzechs:But before the match starts I think it's time we know your name *looks to Nathan*

Nathan:I guess it's time huh... Very well My name is Nathan L/N A human with the protection of the dragon gods Ophis and Great Red and to show proof I have their marks on my shoulders

Nathan takes off his hoodie to show his undershirt along side the marks of the two dragon gods on his shoulders

Akeno:oh my...

Issei:So are you really strong then

Nathan:I am and only Sona sitri has seen my near full power before I went off for training

Serafall:So-tan is that true?

Sona:Yes I did see it and I was hardly able to keep myself from falling to his power

Nathan:now then shall we begin the match sirzechs?

Sirzechs nods and has grayfia teleport the two to the arena

Nathan's POV

After being teleported to the arena I stare down riser who is on the other side of the arena

Grayfia counts down before the match can start

Grayfia (Mic):BEGIN!

Riser rushes at me which I avoid every strike he attempts to hit me with

Nathan:Come now Riser you can do a better job than that....

Riser:Riser will win and Riser will get what he wants even if I have to kidnapp her!

Nathan:You seriously fucked up now Riser... Claire and Phi Phenex will the two of you have regret if your son was to quote "perish" during the match?

Every devil watching the match looks to the two devil's

Phi:we will have some regret but if killing him is required then so be it

Claire:I agree with my husband we have tried to make riser into an understanding devil but it seems it was for naught so kill him if you have to

I nod at what the two just said

Soon I create hundreds of after images of myself which we all raise our left hands towards riser

Nathan:Hope you never find peace where you go Riser....

Nathan+After Image's:BIG BANG ATTACK!!

Soon hundreds of blue orbs fire from myself and my after Image's hands which will head towards riser

Riser is then heard screaming in pain before a massive explosion is seen

The explosion blinds those watching for a few minutes before they regain their vision

In the arena is nothing but a smolding crater of where Riser once was

Grayfia (Mic):That is match! Nathan L/N is the winner!

I am then teleported back to the building where rias hugs me out of no where

Rias:Thank you Thank you!

Nathan:It's no problem Rias I told you I would help you and I did... But on another topic Sirzechs has the investigation with Ajuka's cousin yielded any fruits?

Sirzechs:It has and he will face swift punishment for his actions

Rias:What investigation?

Nathan:you will know in time Rias but in any case *grabs hoodie* it's time I get back to my home in the human world *portal appears behind me* see ya later

I walk into the portal which closes as I enter

Arriving back at my home I take a shower where I climb into bed and drift off to sleep


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