"Stop fucking calling for that, motherfucker. I told you you're mine. You don't fucking belong to him!" Jacob snapped and got behind the wheel and started the SUV. "Don't worry, we will be home soon." He giggled before stepping on the gas.


No, please.

"Cedric!" I shouted once more, hoping by some miracle he would have heard me.

Please find me baby, I cried inside my head and curled myself up into a protective ball.

Cedric's P.O.V

Something isn't right. I have been sitting here waiting for Avery to come back from the bathroom, and it's been five minutes. I'm trying my hardest not to suffocate her with my worry, but I'm struggling with it. I didn't want to come out tonight, I only did because she asked me sweetly and if I'm being honest with myself, it's hard to tell my girl no.

Her coworkers are still trading stories back and forth, and I'm only half listening. I'm trying not to be rude. I want her friends to like me for her, but something just isn't right.

We have been combing over the evidence from the two missing women and have found nothing that points us to anyone. The DNA from her panties came back a few days ago, and whoever it belongs to isn't in our systems.

The thing that makes me worry the most is that he hasn't taken another victim, and I haven't told Avery anything else about the new pictures that man has taken that he placed around the second victim's body. His been stalking her, and she was worried enough. I didn't want to cause her more stress, not when she was starting to smile again.

She should be done by now. I frowned and looked towards the lady's room hoping I'd see her walking towards me, but I didn't see her. I know I'm probably overreacting and Avery would be the first one to call me out on my shit, but something just isn't fucking right.

"Excuse me." I said to her co-workers before I headed towards the lady's bathroom.

Everything is probably fine. She is okay. I'm just losing it, I know this, and as long as she is safe, I'll let her fuss at me for this.

"Avery? Baby? Are you okay?" I asked and knocked on the bathroom door.

I waited a few seconds, uneasiness flooded my stomach as my heart squeezed inside my chest when she didn't answer me back.

"Avery? I need you to answer me." I shouted, thinking maybe she couldn't hear me, and knocked harder this time.


Okay, Cedric, calm down dude. You can't just kick open a woman's bathroom.

That's illegal, I remind myself.

"Avery. I need you to answer me. Now." I ordered, hoping to hear her throwing attitude on the other side of the door, but still fucking nothing.

Fuck it.

I raised my foot and slammed it hard into the door, I watched as it cracked open and reached inside and unlocked the door.

"Avery baby, I'm sorry. I just need to see that you're okay." I told her as I pushed open the bathroom door. "Baby? Avery?" I called her name, and then my gaze locked onto something on the floor.

Her cell phone.

"Avery fucking answer me" I growled and started pushing open all the bathroom stalls, my heart threatening to beat out of my chest and I slammed my fist I to stall door.

Something did happen. She wasn't safe. I should have fucking said no about coming home tonight. This is my fault. That sick monster has my girl, and it's all my fucking fault.

My knees became weak, and I slid down onto the floor. Tears in my eyes. I quickly pulled out my cell phone and call Lucas.

"Yeah?" Lucas's sleeping voice cut through the fog that was surrounding me.

"I need you to come to Roxie's Restaurant. Avery is missing. Do you hear me? She is fucking missing, and I need you to help me fucking find her." I growled into the phone, making sure my best friend understood what I was saying. "He fucking took my girl. I need to get her back."

"I'm on my way. Lock it down. Stay calm. I know you're pissed brother, but you need to keep your head on. You are no good to Avery if you lose your shit. You're no good to me if you lose your shit. Do you understand me?" He asked, and I heard him moving around, getting out of bed because it was around midnight.

"I am fucking calm. I have to find my fucking woman. You know what he does to them, Lucas. He will rape her and cut her hair off-" I was shouting, but my voice cut off as I choked, emotions crawling around and burning my insides. "I need her. I can't lose her. I love her-"

"Listen to me. We will fucking find her. We will get your girl back, Cedric. I'm going to call your dad and Conor." He growled and hung up the phone.

My Man Series #1- My PolicemanKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat