“I'm sorry about your grandpa, Cedric.” I told him softly, reached out and grabbed his hand and squeezed it lightly, wanting to comfort him.

“We are more alike than you think, babe. We both understand the true value of family and would do anything to keep them safe.” He smiled and looked down at our hands.

I hadn't realized I did that until my gaze followed his down, and I felt my heart skipped a beat as I stared at our entangled fingers.

“Tell me about your ex.” Cedric demanded and kept a firm grip around my hand as I tried to tug it away.

“I would rather not bring up that asshole.” I whispered, not wanting Cedric to feel any sorrier for me than he always does.

“Babe. Tell me. I want to know.” Cedric order and gave me a supportive smile.

“No.” I informed him again. I will not be talking about my parents and my ex all in the same night without being in my kitchen.

I bake when I'm stressed, and speaking about them will in fact make me stressed, and I'll be stressed and not in my kitchen.

No, thank you.

“Tell me.” He demanded again.

“No.” I snarled.

“Babe.” Cedric sighed before giving my hand a light squeeze. “Talk.”

“He cheated on me.” I growled. “But you already knew that.”

“Yea, I knew he was a cheating dick. I want to know what yalls relationship was like.” He shrugged.

“Why?” I asked, curiously.

Why does he care?

“Why what?” Cedric asked, confused. “Why do I need to know about your past relationship?”

“Yes.” I confirmed.

“Because I would like to know why you're always throwing attitude at me.” He smirked.

“This conversation isn't funny.” I snapped, getting ready to just call Anna to come pick me up.

“See. Attitude.” He growled softly. “Don't worry, I like it. Never thought I'd find a woman throwing attitude towards me sexy, but babe, on you, it's fucking hot. You're lucky, I think it's worth the trouble.”

Well then.

My mouth hangs open, as I sit speechless in front of him, my burger forgotten about, not knowing what to say back to that.

“Fine.” I finally said moments later after staring at him, with my mouth wide open like a fish desperate for water.

“We met when we were younger. He was so sweet to me in the beginning. Loving. Always made me laugh. Supported me emotionally when I was having a bad day, thinking about my parents or grandma. All that changed, though, over the few years that we dated. He became distant. We stopped having sex.” I said and reached across the table, grabbed his beer and took a big sip before continuing. “He would come home late telling me he was having to deal with late meetings and at first, I understood, and was okay with it, but those late nights turned later and later. I would try to talk with him, but he made me feel like I was crazy, it was all in my head. He would tell me he loved me that morning and then wouldn't come home until three am the next morning. I cooked him dinner that he wouldn't even be home for. Each night, I'd hope he walked through that door just to sit down and have dinner with me. Just have a little time for me. One night I did my own stake out.” I paused and waited for him to laugh at the joke, but the look on his face showed nothing but a pissed off man. “I stayed at his work building for hours and when he left I followed him. I followed him for twenty-three miles and found myself sitting in my car in front of my best friends house. I was confused. I didn't know what he was doing there, but as the time got later, and later I knew what was happening. He was having an affair with my best friend. I drove home, heart broken and confused. I didn't know how I was going to handle it and didn't handle it for a few days. I walked around my house, went to work with my mind in zombie mode. Just going through the motions until I could decide what I needed to do. Until one day I caught them in bed together. They both told me it was the first time, but I knew better. Both told me it meant nothing, but I knew better with that too. In the end, I ended both my friendship and my relationship, realizing I deserved better. Better in the man I was with and better in the woman I had called my best friend.” I whispered harshly, feeling all those emotions running through my mind once more.

I'm not even upset about my ex-boyfriend, I'm upset with my ex best friend. I still don't understand how she could do that to me, after everything we have been through together.

“They both didn't deserve you.” Cedric growled and looked as if he would arrest them both.

He would.

“Now you know why my friendship with your sister is important.” I told him softly. “She was the first woman around my age to not feel sorry for me. She met a strange woman in a grocery store, noticed she was having a bad day, and invited her out. It meant a lot.”

“Under all that attitude babe, you're soft as a kitten aren't you?” Cedric grinned as I sat straight up and jerked my hand out of his.

“Not a kitten.” I growled.

“A puppy then?” He chuckled.

“Keep it up, cop, and I'll smash the rest of my burger in your face.” I said and gave him the attitude he thinks is so hot.

“Totally worth it.” He whispered so softly that I barely heard him, but when I did my breath hitched and my heart jumped, not caring about the fact that I didn't want to start falling for this man, but it was too late.

I think I already am.

My Man Series #1- My PolicemanWhere stories live. Discover now