
Night covered The Wall like a sheet of black fabric. The moon hung low, sparkling the stars to create beautiful pictures and constellations. Aloy marked down her day on the stone with a knife. Jon laid on his side in a complete daze of melancholy and rage.
The fire crackled as Ghost, Jon's dire wolf, grew seemingly restless. He growled and pawed at the door with all his strength. Aloy reminisced about Ghosts sister, Nyx. In a fleeting moment, she hoped that Nyx was on the other side of the door, even if it was to bite her.
In one swift movement, Jon sat up on the edge of his bed. Ghosts growls turned into small concerned whines and whimpers. Aloy stopped carving the small line in stone to check on the dire wolf youngling.

"Ghost, what's wrong?" Jon asked. "Is something out there?"

The mutt wagged his tail shakily. Aloy and Jon reached for their swords, clipping them onto their waists. They did not bother reaching for their cloaks as Jon opened the door, allowing Ghost out first. The white wolf took off at a sprint, snarling and barking.
Aloy instinctively walked faster than Jon, following closely to the sounds of the wolf. Ghost arrived at Lord Commanders door, scratching at its faded red paint.
Jon exchanged a look with Aloy. She unsheathed her sword, an unsettling feeling making her way into her throat and stomach.

"Commander?" Jon questioned loudly, opening the door.

"Stay." Aloy ordered Ghost who whimpered yet followed the command.

In the small corridor was a black door left ajar. Jon crept closer, opening the door a little wider with a creak. The tension was as thick as Valyrian steel. The door led to the Commanders chambers. A vast room with a small fireplace and a bed with drapes. It included another door leading to a corridor.

"Hello? Who's there?" Jon called out, letting out a pained cuss when Aloy socked him in the chest for his stupidity.

They stepped forth into the middle of the room when the door behind them shut emphatically. Aloy raised her sword in no time as she was shoved forcefully to the floor, her sword clattering out of her hand. Ghost was howling madly, the scratches grating into the door from the other side as his masters were in danger.
The large figure had Jon pressed up against the wall, its dark hand crushing Jon's windpipe. He reached for his dagger, striking its vital organs multiple times. It continued to strangle him before Jon broke free, striking the monster in the forehead with his own.
Aloy sliced off the ear of the beast, a black liquid in replace of blood spewed from the wound. Jon moved bravely forward, slicing its hand off. The gurgling monster did not halt to think, reaching for Aloy and lifting her into the air by her throat. An immediate feeling of soul-crushing pain echoed through her body in quick waves.
Jon rushed to save his sister, stabbing the monster through the heart with his sword. The beast opened its mouth to rotting teeth and a black tongue. It collapsed to the ground, dropping Aloy. She coughed painfully, gasping for breath.


Mormont stood in disbelief, seeing a sword struck right through a large man. Jon assisted his sister even when he was struggling as well. The two collected their swords, breathing heavily for any cold air. Mormont did not say another word as the two rushed to protect their Commander.
The beast opened his eyes, rising to his feet with no problems whatsoever. Aloy was able to catch a glimpse of him. A bald man with sickly grey skin and ashy patches of beard. His fingers tinged with black and his eyes ice blue. He charged for them once more.
In a split-second reaction, Jon singed his hand on a lantern glowing with fire. He hurled it at the deathly man, burning his corpse alive. Aloy grabbed onto Jeor Mormonts arm firmly, rushing him out in a hurry with Jon shutting the door behind them.

"What the fuck was that?!" Aloy yelled.


A small group gathered around for the nameless man. He was unrecognizable, having his body burnt to ash for proper measures. The image of his bilious body now a permanent memory in her brain. His eyes devoid of any emotion besides hunger. A sense of violence etched into what once was an average criminal.
Erik gave a comforting nod to Aloy. She didn't realize she looked to him for a sort of reaction. She turned her head away fleetingly.

"They were touched by White Walkers." Sam said, his bottom lip quivering.

The rest of the group turned their heads simultaneously. It explained the reason of the man's proposed immortality, how he could survive a sword through the heart.

"That's why they came back." Sam trembled. "That's why their eyes turned blue." He turned his head back to the large bonfire. "Only fire will stop them."

"How do you know that?" Jon asked, cradling his bandaged hand.

"I read about it in a book— a very old book in Maester Aemon's library." Sam explained, his words meshing into one another.

"What else did the book say?" Jon said, focusing back on the pillar of smoke.

"The White Walkers sleep beneath the ice for thousands of years. And when they wake up—" Sam was unable to finish his sentence.

Pypar's eyes grew weary. "And when they wake up, what?"

Sam thought about his answer, looking up to The Wall.

"Let's hope The Wall is high enough." He responded.


word count - 1,395

ba-da bing! ba-da boom! chapter is out!

i hope everyone will have a wonderful december and holidays. i've been considering cutting Aloy's story into two books.

book one: black wolf (season 1 - season 4)

book two: ? (season 5 - season 8)

it's a clean cut down the middle.

thanks for reading! love you all <3

tiktok - eviesterlingg_wpedits

spotify - eviesterlingg
playlist - aloy snow

BLACK WOLF --- GoT [s1 - s4]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें