Chapter 31 - Eternal Afiat

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A swarm of red storms emerged in the thick forest, its particles subsided and Felicia's presence appeared. In the greeny nature, Felicia's eyes clashed with a huge waterfall in front of her. The coldness of the splashing water blew a pleasant breeze on her skin, her nose smelled the scent of nature.

Hidden beyond the breathtaking splendor of the cascading waterfall, a realm unseen by mortal eyes awaits - the sacred headquarters of the eternal. Veiled by the mortal realm, this ethereal abode can only be accessed by beings blessed with immortality. The vast expanse of the thundering waterfall presents an insurmountable obstacle to mere mortals; anyone who dares venture forth is met with an inescapable demise.

The waterfall will sense an immortal's presence and began to behave differently. It slowed down its pace and opened up like a gate, allowing the immortal to pass through without getting drowned or drenched. The water droplets that were once crashing with force will parted like a curtain and flowed around them. It was an extraordinary sight to behold - the immortal passed through unscathed and dry as if the waterfall had made way for their presence.

That was what Felicia thought.

As she approached the majestic waterfall, a sense of anticipation filled her. But to her surprise, there was no immediate response. Perplexed, she pondered why the waterfall remained indifferent to her presence. With each step she took, her shoes pressed against the slick, moss-covered stones, emitting a melodic splashing sound that reverberated in the air. Feeling a cool mist on her face, she cautiously retraced her steps, only to advance forward once again. Yet, the waterfall stood unchanged, its torrential waters cascading down with an intimidating velocity.

"Was I banned?" 

Lost in thought, she furrowed her eyebrows and her eyes glowed with intensity in the dimly-lit forest. The rustling of leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl were the only sounds that filled the air. As she looked around, her cloak billowed around her, reminding her of the urgency of the situation. She knew she couldn't just leave; she had to find a way to figure out her loss of regeneration. The thought of the scene never left her mind, especially how she bled out like a mortal. She had spent hours researching on her own, but couldn't find any reason why it was caused by a fog.

She believed that Sylvia Scarlina, the CEO, possessed the precise answer and comprehended the potential harm she could inflict on her authority.

"It can't be, I left before they knew. I left according to the rules." She muttered. "Ah, screw it... I'm going in anyways."

Her well-toned arms gracefully extended sideways, with each finger elegantly stretched. She then slowly lifted her left arm upwards while simultaneously lowering her right arm, resembling an intricate dance. As she brought her hand to her chest, she gently uncurled only her index finger, middle, and thumb, while the other fingers remained clasped together. Suddenly, a vivid, ruby-red glow emanated from the center of her gesture, illuminating the space around her.

Soon, the ground shook. A blaring sound emitted inside the waterfall. Felicia extended her arms forward, gesturing to the uprising weight that forced its way to the surface. Her fingers controlled the brick tunnel, a safe way she made to pass through. The tunnel echoed with the jarring noise of water crashing against it, shattering the serenity of the surroundings, much like Felicia's presence.

She could feel the force of the heavy water hitting the roof of her tunnel, causing her hands to strain under the weight. With each step forward, she could feel the tension grow as she walked into the darkness, only brightened by her fiery eyes.

As she ventured deeper, the weight of the pressure became almost unbearable. The tunnel groaned, its walls starting to fissure, and the sound of trickling water filled her ears. With each step, droplets fell, lightly grazing her medium-dark skin. As she reached out, her hand trembled, desperately trying to maintain the tunnel's integrity. The expanse of the waterfall stretched out before her, its majestic width and power overwhelming. Yet, she knew that no challenge was too great for the creator to handle.

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