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"Why?...." the male asked as he looked down.

The female had lifted up his head putting her forehead to his and said "babe it wasn't what it seemed, I will always have eyes for you, he was just a family friend, he has a wife."

The male just looked at her not knowing what to say. The female teacher noticed and kissed him on the cheek.

"Look ghost I'm not leaving you and you aren't leaving me, I really do love you and I wanna spend my life with you" the female stated kissing the male on the lips softly.

"Please don't leave me, I don't wanna be alone anymore. You're all I have left" he said quiet looking up at her.

"I wouldn't dream of it now bring back that amazing smile of your" hasegawa said with a smirk.

Ghost had smiled and leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

"Why did he have my car tho that really pissed me off" ghost stated placing his hands around her hips.

"I don't know, but I'll make sure they pay you back for the repairs" chisato stated with a smile kissing the male again.


The two be in the living room of ghost dorm not knowing anyone was there. Chisato had cuddled up against ghost with some covers over them as they were watching a movie.

Footsteps could be heard as ghost roommate's had walked out their room going to the living room. The group was surprised at what they saw and started screaming.

"Oi ghost what the hell are you doing cuddled up with Ms. Hasegawa" sasuke asked his best friend.

"She's my girlfriend, we been dating since the beginning of the school year" the male responded looking at his roommate.

"What about what happened with her getting in your car with some random dude" makima stated adding her 2 cents into the situation.

"He was just a family friend and I don't know how he got the keys to ghost car and once again I'm sorry babe" Chisato said to her lover.

"It's ok, I have a friend fixing it and i already gave them the money" ghost responded and kisses chisato on the cheek.

"Whatever makes you happy man, we'll be out today" revy said grabbing her jacket and left while putting it on.

The other two soon followed after leaving just the two couples in the room alone. Ghost would wrap his arm back around chisato and went back to watching the movie.


After the movie ghost roommate's would walk back into the place and notice chisato sleeping on top of ghost with her bra off and covers over their body. Ghost would have his arms around her while she was cuddled against his chest.

"Couldn't they have gone to their rooms, not to mention doesn't she gave to teach tomorrow"sasuke stated as he sighed.

"Oh shut up, we were like that when we were together and we still are" both females stated in unison looking at ghost and chisato then sasuke.

"I love you both" sasuke stated to the female roommate's and kissed them.

Sasuke had went back to his room as both makima and revy followed behind him.


Ghost would wake up as he grabbed his phone noticing that he was late for school and chisato was still asleep on top of him.

"Babe wake up we have to go" the male said as he softly shook the female.

"5 five more minutes babe, I don't wanna teach today" she stated in a sleepy voice wrapping her arms around him.

"Ok we don't have to go to school today but you will have to get up later" said ghost as he placed his phone back down and kisses her forehead.

"Ok but I wanna go out on another fate later" she responded then going back to sleep.

"Babe I want you to know that i won't trade you for anything or anyone I love you more than anything. I also don't plan on sharing you with anyone. I'm happy that you are my girlfriend now I really am and I don't ever want what we have to come to an end, I promise to take you on the best date ever" ghost stated as he went back to sleep wrapping his arms around his lover.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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