"It'll be fun," Eric reassured me.

At this point, I was too stressed to be stressed. I wanted to go to bed. Sean laid a bottle on the wooden surface of the center table. He must know that this can turn out two ways for him: good or bad. Regardless, I guess he's willing to take his chances.

"Rose," he said, "It's your house. You spin."

Reaching forward, I held the bottle under my fingers and gave it a little nudge, letting it spin with a satisfying sound as it grazed the surface of the table.

We were all quiet as our eyes followed its movement.

Round and around it went. Round and around and around until it landed on Aiden.

I was practically safe with that.

Aiden scoffed and stood, opening his arms, "Who's gonna spend seven minutes with me?" he spun the bottle and we watched again.

When the glass container stopped spinning, its tip was pointed at Sean.

I laughed out loud. "Seven minutes with the mouthwatering Sean Caron," I teased.

"Follow me," I told the two.

The mansion had a lot of places fit for two people to get intimate. I would know. One of them was the storage closet in the dirty kitchen.

Jie set the timer on seven minutes, ready to start it once the door locks behind my two friends.

"I know you've been dreaming about this, Sean," Aiden teased before receiving a smack at the back of his head.

"If you mean murdering you with my bare hands under seven minutes, you're right, bro," said the other as he entered the dark room.

"Sounds kinky," teased Aiden with a wink that earned him another smack.

Eric brought the bottle as we waited patiently in the kitchen. I hopped on a stool and my phone buzzed, indicating that I got a message from Mr. Camillo.

Dick Camillo: how's ur night?

I replied to him saying that I spent my evening with friends.

Seven minutes passed by surprisingly quick. Before I knew it, we were standing around the kitchen island ready for another round.

"How was it?" Jie asked as she wiggled her brows.

"Miserable," said Sean at the same time

Aiden said "Mind-blowing."

"Whatever happens in the room stays in the room," I told them.

The bottle spun again and this time, it landed on me.

After a glass of rosé, I was feeling pretty loose. If I end up in that cramped room with whoever, I have a choice. It's gonna be my choice. I was reclaiming the situation.

With my lip in between my teeth, I spun the bottle.

As if Sean's mood couldn't get any more dreadful, the end stopped at Eric.

Without hesitation, I spoke, "Let's go."

The already small room felt much more smaller with two people inside. The light was dim enough on its own so we decided to let it remain open.

"Seven minutes on the clock," said Aiden before he closed the door, "Have fun, kids," he muttered.

There was deafening silence when the door closed and there was a few seconds of processing that Eric and I were finally alone.

Resisting Rosaleen (18+)Where stories live. Discover now