"Rose?" it shouted and my blood ran cold again, much like the previous night.

Turning to the side, I saw the familiar face of Bianca Camillo with the usual sweet smile on her gorgeous face. As she walked towards us, Leonel gave me a serious look that expressed just how screwed we may be. The look also said 'cooperate.'

"Leonel?" Bianca recognized him a second later. I didn't miss how her brows knitted before I pulled her in for an embrace. Was it so shady to see us together?

Maybe if I hug her tight enough, her bones will break and she dies.

No. Orange doesn't suit you, Rosa.

And Nikolas won't bone you anymore if you kill his wife.

"Bianca," I let the name slip with feigned delight. "What a small world! What are you doing here?"

I didn't miss how Leonel discreetly put distance in between us. Our hug, if Bianca saw, had surely caused suspicion.

Hell, being in a restaurant with Leonel in broad daylight was suspicious enough.

Now add in Jared as a bystander in the mix. I did not prepare myself for a day like this.

"Running some errands around town," she answered, "How about you?" her eyes flickered to Leo before settling back on me.

"Rosaleen here is planning to take up an internship program for me this summer." It was Leonel who answered—Leonel who looked intimidating despite speaking kindly, "Her brother thought it would be a great idea. Right, Rose?" he never calls me Rose.

"Yes." I answered with no hesitation. I glanced once at Jared. He was full-on intrigued. Is this really how Wyatt's employees are? I could imagine the maids, butlers, and bodyguards gossiping now. But Jared seemed like he kept to himself and to his boss—at least when he was still fully loyal to my brother.

"That is a great idea," the woman sounded convinced enough, "Nikolas mentioned that your brother came by his office once."

They've been talking about me?

I wonder what else he tells her.

"He wanted to know about my academic performance," conversations like these make me cringe but I had to endure it. So, for the next five minutes, the three of us talked about my future plans.

I could feel that Leonel wanted nothing else than to be over with the conversation and I felt the same internal relief that he did when Bianca wrapped it up with a "I gotta get going. Nick must be looking for me."

After brief parting words, we watched as the woman walked away.

"Jared, get the car ready," I said in an attempt to rid him of what Leonel was about to say. He went inside the vehicle and the engine grumbled.

"You know," Leonel started, voice lowered, "If she wasn't so... nice, I would've hit that," I glanced at the man to see that his eyes were focused on Bianca's behind. I glanced briefly at Jared. He looked weirded out.

I spared a look at Bianca again, noting how her ass did look nice in a gray pencil skirt.

Then, I smacked Leo's chest.

I suddenly felt insecure knowing that Nick loves ass.

"Don't even think about it," I told him as I rolled my eyes.

But he was kind of onto something.

"You sure?" he asked before opening the car door for me, "That would make things a whole lot easier for you."

Resisting Rosaleen (18+)Where stories live. Discover now