"Did he give any other reason why he came? other than dad's orders," I mimicked Wyatt's voice.

"Well, he did mention how your driver seems to be worried about your well-being."

I fucking knew it. And to think I was starting to warm up to the guy. "Why?"

"What do you mean 'why'?"

"What exactly did Jared tell him?"

"Jared, huh? Have I seen him before?"

I grabbed his hand and played with his fingers. The wedding band was mocking me. "Most likely," I said, "during those times that you came to see Wyatt."

"So that's why you were so worried about him last night," Nikolas nodded. His expression turned grim. "Does he know?"

"Not fully," I mumbled, then realized that he could barely hear me. "He's seen how my mood changes a lot and I kinda said I had a crush on a guy who I can't have and yadda, yadda, yadda, he saw us talking the other day and probably had put the pieces together by now."


"Yeah. Fuck."

Nikolas's relaxation flew out the window. "Did you even plan on telling me this, Rose? or were you just gonna wait until you get caught?" he sounded annoyed again. We're back to that, I guess. He pulled his hand away and massaged his temple.

"I'll talk to him. He didn't tell on me before so I think I can convince him," and what I meant by that was Jared can be naive sometimes.

Nikolas sighed. There were a shit ton of things going on in his head and none of them were pretty. For a moment, I feared that he'd push me away.

I held his face in my hands, thumbs grazing his cheeks. "Hey," I started before he could get more frustrated, "I'll take care of it. If he wanted to tell on us, he would've done it by now."

What I said made sense. Nikolas's shoulders dropped but he still looked worried. Fuck me for wanting to see him smiling all the time and the urge to drive away anything that gives him negative emotions.

I wrapped an arm around his torso.

We were quite for a while, both of us thinking of what to say and how to say it.

"How are you?" I decided to break the silence, "About... last night. Regrets?"

"None yet," he rose a brow, "I just hope it stays this way when Bianca comes home later."

At the mention of that, he was back to fully stressed mode.

"Oh," was all I could say.

"There's this full moon and meteor shower later and she thinks it would be romantic to eat outside," he didn't sound particularly happy, but didn't sound dejected either. He's simply okay with it.

Why wouldn't he be? Husband and wife dinner seems nice.

Imagining Nick with Bianca made me sick and being reminded that she's got some sacred hold on him made my head hurt.

"Feel free to call me if shit goes down," I shrugged, "I promise I'll answer this time."

He took a second to stare at my face before saying "Thank you."

I didn't know what else to say. I wanted us to stray away from stress. We just fucked—I should feel victorious. "How was your day?"

He raised a brow quizzically at that, "I know I'm good, but I didn't think Rosaleen Martin would get whipped so easily."

I rolled my eyes and pushed his face away, "You can be so cocky sometimes."

That got him to laugh, finally, but it subsided quickly. "My day was fine," he rubbed small circles on my back, "I got two hours of sleep and woke up with a boner so stubborn that it took me two showers to get rid of it."

Resisting Rosaleen (18+)Where stories live. Discover now