“Watching you.” He grunted, looking very annoyed with me already before turning around heading towards his front door.

“I'm still talking.” I shouted, and stomped my foot. Yes, I just stomped my foot like a child throwing a tantrum.

Do I care?


This man is so damn infuriating. Sure he is good-looking and has that alpha vibe that girls like so much going on, but do I find that sexy? Not right now. I actually want to shove him into the lake right now and run far away. I definitely don't want to sleep in his home. My body already does funny things around Cedric.

“Talk inside” He shouted back, leaving me no choice but to follow him inside after he unlocked the door.

“ I really would appreciate it, Cedric if you just brought me home or to a hotel.” I said strongly.

I'm putting my foot down, enough is enough. He can't force me to stay here.

“It's not going to happen. Hotels are not safe. My home is safer for you-”

“Not in all ways.” I mumbled softly, not meaning to say those words out loud.

“What did you say?” He asked.

“Nothing.” I replied smoothly and crosseded my arms, steeling myself up for the fight that is about to take place. “Take me home. I don't want to be here.”

“Oh really?” He asked, turned towards me and grinned. “You don't want to be here? Are you sure? Do you want to know what I think? I think if I shoved my hand inside your panties right now, you would be wet-”

“Your a pig! That's precisely why I don't want to stay here. Your asshole. Thank you for reminding me.” I snapped and jerked my phone from my back pocket. “Fine. You won't bring me back. Anna will come get me-”

“Do not involve my sister.” He said all playfulness gone from his tone.

“She is my bestie. I can call her whenever I want.” I snarled and started to dial her number.

“Your right. You could call her. She would definitely come. Probably get in my face about it. Tell mom. But would you actually put her in danger?” He asked, looking down at me with disappointment in his eyes.

“What?” I asked, shocked by two things. His look of disappointment and his question.

How is having her come get me putting her in danger? I wasn't going to ask to sleep at her house. I just wanted a ride.

“I just wanted a ride.” I whispered.

“You call her, she is going to have questions. You will end up telling her the truth and I know my sister. She will stay with you or drag you back to her house. Which would be putting her in danger.” He said calmly.

“I don't want her in danger. I just wanted a ride back home or to a hotel.” I said softly before adding, “How dare you even think such a thing."? I snarled and shoved my phone back inside my jean pocket.

Looks like I'm not going anywhere.

“I'm sorry. She always says I'm overprotective, and I guess I can see why she would say that. She is my twin. We are the same age, but she is still my little sister. If anything happened to her, I would feel it. It would break me and my parents. I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything. I shouldn't have said it like that-”

“One thing you going to have to get through your head is I'm not like the rest of your sister's fake friends. I'm not her friend to get to you. In fact I kind of want to be anywhere but here with you at this moment. I don't care how handsome-”

“You think I'm handsome?” He asked, a big smile forming on his lips.

I continue like he didn't say anything.

“you are. Even if you did like me and if I liked you. I'm not saying we do. I'm just saying. Your sisters' opinion would matter. If she didn't want this shit going down, then guess what. It's no shit going down. I'm a chick's before dicks type of women and if you don't believe anything, fucking believe that.” I huffed out, annoyed at myself now from going on that little rant.

I can't believe I said that. If I like him and if he liked me. He may get ideas now. He is already cocky enough. He probably thinks I like him now. I mean I guess a part of me does, but he doesn't need to know that.

“I believe you-”

“Then stop looking at me with disappointment when it comes to her. I don't want her in danger, either. So, what the hell are we going to tell her?” I asked, waving him off and to stop whatever he was about to say. I would rather skip the entire conversation about what all I just said.

“We tell her that we are seeing each other.” He smirked.

“What?” I asked. Shocked that he would even suggest that. “That's a lie. We would be lying to her. She would end up telling your parents-oh god. Your mom-”

“She will think we are together too.” He said and shrugged like it is not a big deal, when in fact it's a big deal. It's a huge freaking deal!

“This is just crazy” I laughed out. “They won't accept that. Anna won't believe that.”

“Why not?” He asked, looking a little offended.

“Cedric come on. We can barely stand each other. We are always arguing-”

“Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can't stand you. I very much can stand you.” He said and winked, which would have melted me if I weren't in this shitty mood.

“Let's just tell them the truth. I don't want to lie to either of them. Your mom would probably smell it on me.” I grumbled, not liking this idea at all.

“Where do you think Anna got her big heart from? Our mom. Both of them will be camped over at your home to make sure you're safe. I can't have that” He sighed.

“Okay” I breathed.

I was giving up.

It looks like I'll be staying here with Cedric and if anyone asked it was because him, and I were seeing each other.

My Man Series #1- My PolicemanWhere stories live. Discover now