4. Seth And Charlotte Rescue Becky From Ambrose Asylum

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Dean is still talking about that Becky kidnapping event with Seth and Roman.


Meanwhile, Seth meets Charlotte and tells her about Dean kidnapping Becky which got her worried. They got into Seth's car with Seth driving to Ambrose Asylum.

"Though Dean is not someone to put a bad eye on a woman but I am worried on what he will do to Becky. He once kidnapped me Ambrose Asylum when we were in FCW and handcuffed me in a cell before playing eerie and haunted songs for the all 4 hours I was kept there. He would turn off the lights time to time and coloured water on me which looked like blood. He would also throw spiders on me to make it look more spooky. He released me after 4 hours," said Seth.

"Don't know what may be happening to Becky," said Charlotte, "We need to rescue her soon."

Inside her cell, Becky started throwing the frogs far away outside her cell. When all the frogs were thrown out, she smiles at getting rid of them all. To her disappointment, Dean who was around outside threw the frogs back in her cell and added 8-10 more frogs to them.

"Dean, you psycho," shouted Becky at what he did.

She threw few frogs on him in anger and in response he threw them back in her cell and added 5-10 more frogs to them. She wanted to punch his face but for this.

"Your smartness is not going to work here, Lunatic Little Sister," grinned Dean.

"Once I am out then you will regret this," warned Becky.

"That's not happening for at least few hours and if your male best friend Seth comes to save you I will lock him too here. It will be his second trip here," smiled Dean, "As for you, I finally got you here locked which I threatened you in our first meeting. From Diva Slayer you got turned into a Frog Slayer now. You remind me of my irritating sister who would get on my nerves."

She just stared at him annoyingly. He left from there and returned in a minute. 

"You must be hungry," said Dean, "I will get you something."

"Oh yeah, bring me pancake with maple syrup, cheeseburger, pizza, sandwich, lemonade, cappuccino," said Becky while Dean grinned amusingly.

"Anything else ma'am?" asked Dean with amused grin.

"For now, bring me only these. Rest I will think later," replied Becky.

Dean's expression went stern as he produced a tray of food outside the cell on the floor while saying, "Listen Your Highness, you are not in a party but in my captivity so quietly eat what you are getting here."

Becky looked at the tray and made a disgusted face at the food he brought. It contained a glass of water, 2 dry bread, a bowl of cereal, baked beans and a glass of milk. 

"How many days old are these food?" asked Becky, "Why have you brought me prison food?"

"Because this is also a prison only," replied Dean, "These foods are not days old but from breakfast which I am giving you for lunch. Since you are a woman I am giving you the privilege of food otherwise men coming here don't get them. Ask your friend Seth only."

"So nice of you," said Becky sarcastically, "I am not having this prison food. Take it away."

"Don't throw tantrums and quietly eat this food or stay hungry till you are held here. Later don't tell anyone that I have kept you starved," said Dean firmly.

"I am not having them," said Becky.

"Then stay hungry," shrugged Dean, "At least drink water."

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