Young Love

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It's been almost a whole year since the barrier was taking down. Everyone is almost finished with school, and we are all happy, living our happily ever after's. And nothing could take that away from me I'm happy with all my friend and family, and my boyfriend harry. Nothing and I mean, nothing will take that away from me... I hope.

I was digging around my locker looking for my math book when I felt a pair of hands suddenly grab my shoulders making me scream and jump. I turn around to meet the blue eyes I feel in love with.

"Harry don't scare me like that!" I say slapping his shoulder lightly.

"Sorry my Queen~" he says giggling making me blush.

"You don't have to call me that" I said refiring to the name.

"But you're the pirate queen, are you not?" He replies, his arm around my waist. I just rolled my eyes playfully.

We walk together hand in hand. Once we reach our friend group I walk over to the girls and Harry walks over to the guys. I watch Mal and Ben flirt with each other. The two are now happily married. After we all fished lunch the bell went, and we went to our classes. Before I left harry caught my hand.

"Enchanted lake tonight?" Harry asked hope filled his eyes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm babysitting Henry tonight, mum and dad are going on a date night tonight" I say sadly watching his joy leave his eyes. I hated seeing him like this.

"I'm really sorry harry, maybe another night" I say giving him a peck and leaving so I wasn't late for my class leaving harry standing there.

The day passes by slowly and I didn't see harry for the rest of the day since we had no classes together. Once the day ended, I didn't go to my dorm I went straight home so I could make pancakes for Henry. Once Henry got home, we had dinner... well an unhealthy dinner. 

-A few days later-

 It was finally Friday! and it was only a half day too since the teachers had a meeting school only lasted half the day. I strolled down the halls stopping at Harry's dorm. knock and open the door when I hear multiple voices. Harry, Gil, Jay, and Carlos quick hide something behind their back. 

"Love~, what are you doing here" Harry says trying to divert my attention.

"Erm, I came to see you" I say looking at the boys who had nervus smiles on their face.

"And why is that?" 

"What can I not see my boyfriend... what are you boys up to?" I say pushing past Harry and pointing my finger towards them squinting my eyes.

"Erm...uh...heh" Carlos says.

"LOOKING... erm... looking at dog outfits for Dude!" Jay says. 

Infront of the 3D printer? I don't buy it for a second! I just look at them with a 'wtf' face and turn on my heels so see Harry right behind me our chest almost touching.

"Are you free tonight" harry asks biting his lip in hope causing me to think.

"Yup" I say popping the P, causing a big smile to grow on Harry's face.

"Great meet me at the enchanted late at 6" he says hugging me and kissing me.

I nod and leave and head back to me and Uma's dorm, when I walk in, I see her reading a book. She hears me come in and siting up with a smile.

"Hey girl," she says scrunching up her nose a bit smiling.

"Hey, I'm going on a date with harry tonight, so I'll be coming in late" I say putting my bag down. She lets out a little 'oh.' while wiggling her eyebrows.

I get ready styling my head with soft waves leaving it down and wearing a black crop top with thin-Ish straps, denim shorts and some air forces. At around 5:30 I left and walked down to the enchanted lake. As I was walking a pair of hand covered my vision.  

"Guess who" A strong Scottish accent said.

"Hmm, Gil?" I say joking.

"Ye- wait what" he removes his hand turning me around showing a cheeky smile on my face. 

He takes my hand leading me to a rock that overlooked the lake. A little picnic sat on the rock. We sat down talking about everything and eating watching the sunset. This was the perfect life right now. An amazing boyfriend, great friends and a family. 

"Lass~" Harry said taking his hook under my chin making me turn my face.

"I you something" he said opening a box with a bracelet that was a gold chain and a small pirate hat charm and on the back is said in cursive (first letter of your name) + H.  I look at it amazed.

"Uh if you don't like it that's fine," he said worried.

"Harry, I love it" I say looking at me as I watch his eyes soften happily, he puts it on my wrist for me. He slowly leans in as we share a soft and long kiss. 


Short chapter so sorry but stay hooked.

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