Pirate Queen

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It was now night, and we are sneaking up to the cottage. We sneaked and crawled until we made it to the doors busting threw but to find nothing. A Sudden banging came from a door that Ben opened to reveal a quivering Chad. We all stared at the boy until he just ran out yelling how he was free and blah blah. We all started to walk out as Harry did his psychotic giggle. We walked out talking and Ben asked Mal how we and Umas gang became a team. Evie told Ben how Mal made a promise to bring the kids off the isle.

"I have to tell you guys something" she said stopping and facing us. I stop next to Harry not to close though.

"Uhm, I lied to you, the kids won't be coming off the isle" she admitted.

My heart broke. She lied to us and is now throwing away all those kids hope and dreams of getting of the isle. She explained how the program is shut down and no one will be coming of the isle. I looked over to Harry his fist was balled up, anger and sadness filled his eyes. Not sure what to do I walked closer to him and locked my hand into his without looking at him. surprisingly he didn't let go or pull away he just squeezed it. And again, the feeling waved through me.

-Small Harry POV-

Mal told us how she lied to us. My blood boiled and sadness filled my body. I balled my fists up. I was about to blow until I felt a soft hand interlock with mine. it was y/n, it calmed me, so I didn't let go I just squeezed her hand. We didn't look at each other but that feeling rushed through me again. My eyes teared up a bit. I know a pirate doesn't cry but after all I'm only 17 the only life I lived at was the one where I had to steal to survive, and I had a chance to live it normally but now I don't.  I turned away wiping my eyes. Dropping her hand, the anger rose in me again.

"And you king benny" I said angerly.

"You're probably just going to throw us all back inside" I say in defeat.

-Your POV-

 My heart broke hearing Harry says that to Ben. He didn't want to go back I could tell. Everyone started turning on Mal. And Celia the grabbed the ember and threw it in the water killing its power. Mal tried to get its power back, but it was no use. I followed Celia into the forest but lost her halfway. I turned seeing nothing but trees... great. I walked out of the forest as lighting struck in the sky. I saw Uma and Harry walking away and Mal turning into a dragon. I could hear Ceila calling for help and Audrey laughing.  Uma and Harry came running up next to me.

"She can't do it on her own," I looked at the two pirates.

"Then let's help," Uma said.

"I have an idea to keep Audrey distracted," I say. I hope this will work I really do.

Uma and Harry looked at me then Mal fighting Audrey. They both nod at me telling me to do my plan.

-The video is to give you an idea on what it sounds like, play it now-

I take a few breaths and close my eyes. A flute started playing.

"The king and his men stole the queen from her bed and bound her in her bones. The seas be our and by the power, where we will, we'll roam" I sing in a siren like voice. When I open my eyes again, they are a glowing grey, like a ghost. *Pic at top for idea*

"Yo,ho all hands hoist the colors high" deep voices started to erupt as I kept singing.

-Harrys POV-

y/n closed her eyes and started singing. It's the same song from my dream. Her eyes closed then opened them and glowed a grey took over her normal e/c eyes. Deep singing erupted. Me and Uma looked over to the forest and saw a dim light. Pirate ghost walked out like an army in an eerie pace. I looked back at y/n she was in a trance like state. Her necklace had a soft glow to it.  The ghost stopped behind her. Uma looked shocked. 

"Oh my, she's... the pirate Queen" Uma said shocked.

"what..." I say looking at her.

"Look she can control the dead pirates and she has the power of the coin. whoever holds the power is the queen, or kings of the pirate world" Uma said her eyes glued to y/n. 

She kept singing "Some men have died, and some are alive" she sung as the dead pirates started climbing the castle fighting Audrey who fought them off with her power, but it gave Uma and Mal time to get the ember working again. Uma tapped y/n to let her know it was ok she could stop but she didn't. a wind picked up blowing her hair as she levitated. She came to a stop right in front of Audrey. Stopping next to Mal who had the ember. y/n had stopped making the pirate fight as the bright light of the ember and Audrey's powers. Mal won but Audrey fell knocked out loosing life. The pirates slowly started disappearing. y/n lowered herself onto the platform Audrey was on. she stared down at the girl her hand hovering over her body. 

"Thieves and beggars, never shall we die..." she says as her hand's glows giving life to Audrey, but she still lay asleep.

Y/n floats down to me and Uma eyes still glowing. Once she hits the ground the wind stops her eyes dim and the glowing dies. her feet hit the ground and she stumble around but I go and grab her before she fell. She looked different she had a different outfit on. A pirate queen outfit.

 A pirate queen outfit

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*Some ideas for your pirate queen outfit*

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*Some ideas for your pirate queen outfit*

-Your POV-

My feet land on the ground and I'm back to normal I topple over a bit, but I was caught. My eyes met Harry.  His smile made fireworks explode in my heart. I see a bit of his dark brown hair covering his eyes, so I flick it out of the way. We just look at each other smiling until we heard Uma clear her voice. I turn to face her, and she looks at me before smiling and bowing.

"Too the pirate queen," she said smiling in which I curtsy in response.

I turn to harry hook bows and looks at me with his iconic smirk. 


that the end of the chapter... OMG you're the pirate Queen, I really hope you're enjoying the story. 

Stay hooked.

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