Back on the Isle

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Auradon. It's Beautiful, isn't it? I'm Mal daughter of maleficent and this is my Home. But it wasn't always, I was born on the isle of the lost were all the villains had been banished, locked away for good. That is until Prince Ben decided that the children should have a chance. So, four VK's came to Auradon, including me. Long story short Bens the king now, I'm his girlfriend and we are about to head back to pick what will hopefully be a long line of new VK kids that can come to auradon. And get to find their happily ever after's. 


-Harrys POV-


"Pick it up lass~" I say to y/n who's in front of me. 

she bends down picking up the golden coin necklace. the ground starts shaking and then it goes black for a moment until I'm suddenly on a ship and not just any ship. The black pearl one of the best pirate ships. the singing continues, that low voice rumbling. I see y/n next to me and I shift my gaze to see a bunch of dead pirates. ghost. My eyes land on one. He had a hook, Captain hook. 

"Dad?" I whisper.

The pirates lower into a bow looking at y/n. Soon waves start washing onto the deck causing the pirates to disappear one by one. I turn to face to y/n who also looks at me. I take my hat off and lower onto a knee bowing in a way. 

"Captain," I say before it all goes dark.

~end of dream~

My body jolts up covered in cold sweat. I look around to see my hook on the table and hat next to it. 'What are these dreams' I say in my head. It's always the same dream over and over again.

-Your POV-

My body jolts up the feeling of the coin beating on my chest dies down as I calm myself. I have gotten use to the dream and the waking up in cold sweat. I just want to know what it means but I'm too scared to ask someone. I get out of bed and switch my TV on to see the live footage of the Mal and the others picking the next VKs. I watch it while I get ready. My heart blew up when I heard Dizzy's name, I couldn't wait to see her again. It's been a few months since the Uma incident and not a tentacle in sight since then.

-Time skip-

Everyone is waiting outside the castle by the big statute of beast waiting for Ben and Mal. Today is the big day. Ben was going to propose to Mal! he had been planning it for a while and today was that day. I was standing next to Jay when the crowed went crazy and the music started to play. I could see the iconic purple hair walk around onto the platform with Ben next to her. we all clapped and cheered for a bit and then died down when Ben gave his speech. He talked about having the new kids come over until he turned to Mal telling her that this was the spot they first met.

"But did I mention... i'm in love with you?" he said as soft music started to play 

"I met this girl that rocked my would like its never been rocked and now i'm living just for her and I won't let it stop, I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me" He sung and spun Mal around slowly as we gave small aww's 

"But now look at what you've done, you've got me... down on my knees" he says lowering onto one knee.

Ben pulled out a purple ring and asked Mal to marry him, Mal breath taken started to happy cry making me tear up happy for my best friend. Once Mal said yes, we all went crazy. We all jumped up and down me and Jay giving each other a hug and then walking over to the others. I hugged Evie, Carlos, and Fairy god mother before turning and clapping again with a big smile on my face. Mal and Ben come off stage and I give Ben a small hug congratulating him and then gave Mal the biggest hug as we both squealed like 10-year-olds.

Cursed Love ~ harry hook x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon