Chapter 10

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Bailey woke up the next morning with the biggest smile on her face. She couldn't stop thinking about how perfect last night was, but before she had time to daydream too much she realized that she didn't have too much time to run to the store and pick up food to bring to Caitlin and Katie's place. 

"Happy New Year Guys! I got all of the food and even some Irish stuff for you Katie."

"Thanks Bales, Happy New Year" Katie said without much enthusiasm 

"Bring the stuff to the kitchen. I'll help you cook and you can tell us about what you got into last night." Caitlin said matching her girlfriends level of enthusiasm.

"Alright I'm coming. Are you guys hungover or something? You both seem depressed." She said jokingly, but when neither one of them answered, Bailey questioned if they actually were okay, "wait I was kidding are you actually okay?" 

"We are fine. Just tell us about your night." Caitlin tried to say encouragingly, but Bailey read right through it.  However, the excitement of last night was overwhelming her and she had to tell the pair of them. 

"Okay wellll if you insist," she said blushing, "Katie you were right. I was hanging out with your neighbor. Actually we have hung out every day since we got back from Dublin. He is so nice and caring and like actually cares about what I have to say which I am now realizing is so different from how Ryan and I talked to one another.  We went to his friends house for New Years. I loved all of his friends. Anyways he asked me to be his girlfriend last night and I said yes!! I can't wait for you to meet him Cait, I think you'll like him. And he is a big Arsenal fan, as I'm sure you know Katie, so he is excited to come to games with me and watch you two play. "

"Aw that's great Bailey, I am really happy for you. Drew is a good guy. I know Jade and Ella really loved growing up with him down the street, he always looked out for the two of them."

"Thanks Katie!"

She then turned to Caitlin to get her sister's reaction. "You sure you want to date him already? I mean you guys just met?"

"Caitlin he is a good guy and you and Katie got together really quick why is this different?"

"Cause I don't want you to get hurt again."

"I appreciate you looking out for me okay, but I really like him. Just wait until you meet him."

"Alright fine.  We can arrange a dinner or somethimg maybe go out the four of us one night?"

"Yeah! That would be great!" Bailey said excitedly

"Oh now you want to go out and do something" Katie suddenly said sarcastically, "I'm going to go for a quick walk. I'll be back before you guys finish cooking." She said while walking out the door.

"Uh what was that about?"


"Did you guys get in a fight? What did you do?"

"Its none of your business, but why do you think its my fault?"

"So you did get in a fight.  Why are you being so weird just tell me what happened I can help you!"

"Bailey just drop it! I don't want to talk about it!" Caitlin screamed at her, shocking Bailey a little bit. They haven't actually had a fight where they yell at each other for a while now. Instead of dropping it, Bailey decided to text the groupchat with Katie's three younger sisters and see what was going on. 

Bailey: Okay anyone know why our sisters are fighting?

Jade: They are??

Ella: Shit no

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