Chapter 1

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"A brilliant 3-1 victory by your Arsenal!" Bailey heard the announcer say over the intercom as she made her way to a private room with all of the other parents.  On her way she was in a hilarious conversation with Katie McCabe's mom about how Caitlin and Katie thought they were doing a good job hiding their relationship and how even though they admitted they were dating about 6 months ago, both mom and sister knew it had been longer than that.  Bailey was lost in the conversation about making fun of her sister, that she didn't even notice the security guard standing in her way before she entered the private room set up for parents and players. 

"Excuse me miss this is for parents of the players only."

"Yeah I know, but its fine. I always go to the parent events."

"I don't think you understand. You aren't a parent. You aren't getting in."

"I don't think you understand. I am Caitlin Foord's sister.  I am here because our parents died.  I am here because Caitlin doesn't have a parent attending this event. Now get the hell out of the way."

The security guard was going to cut in again before Katie's mom butted in. "I think you better listen to her."

The security guard rolled his eyes, but let her in. 

"Thank you for that. Sorry you had to see me get angry."

"Its okay sweetling. He deserved it." Katie's mom said with some pity in her voice. 

"I'm going to run to restroom real quick, but I'll meet up with you and the girls!" Bailey said before rushing off to the bathroom. Once she reached the stall she closed her eyes and counted to 30, a skill shes learned since her first panic attack in the hospital all of those years ago. The tears started to flow a little bit, but Bailey knew she had to regain composure before going back out to the group of people. 

Meanwhile Katie and Caitlin found Katie's mom waiting for them. 

"Hi Mom!"
"Hi baby, you played so well! As did you Caitlin. Both my girls getting a goal today." She said giving both girls a hug.

"Where's Bailey?" Caitlin questioned knowing her little sister always hung around either Katie or Leah's mom. 

"Oh she just ran off to the bathroom. Listen, will you two listen to a little piece of advice?"
Both girls shook their heads and looked at each other with a confused face.

"As a mother of 11, I tend to think I am pretty good at picking up on when kids are hiding something. And Bailey is definitely hiding something. She does a good job acting like nothing is wrong, but when she doesn't think people are paying attention you can tell she isn't doing well. She also just had a little encounter with a not very polite security guard that I think upset her, but I don't think she would want me to tell either of you any of this, so just pretend I never said a word.  Just look out for her okay? I know you have been doing that your whole life Caitlin, but Katie is here to help you okay. She has plenty of younger siblings to know how to handle this.  You two have done an amazing job looking after each other while the media has done their best to tear you guys down these past months, but don't forget you have some other people to look after too okay?"

During the little speech, Katie had put her arm around Caitlin's waist and gave her a reassuring squeeze.  Caitlin was just about to go off to the bathroom in search of her sister, when a familiar voice came up behind them.

"Hey good game guys! Although I have to say Katie's goal was way better than yours Cait."

Caitlin quickly trying to recover and pretend nothing was on her mind. 

"Hey! I had to dribble through 3 people for mine!" 

"Yeah but you shot it from 2 feet away. Katie was like 25 yards out. "

"Whatever Bales," Caitlin said rolling her eyes and pushing her sister. 

The four women talked for a bit more before deciding it was time to head out.

"Hey Bailey want to come to mine and Katie's later?"

"Nah I'm okay don't want to intrude on your "overtime" excursions"

"Seriously! My mom is right here Bailey," Katie exclaimed

"You really are so annoying, but fine how about tomorrow come for dinner?"

"Can't busy."

"Ooooh kay. Why don't you text me when your not busy and come over. We will cook for you okay."

"Yeah yeah okay. Anyways gotta go. Always great to see you Sharon and Katie.  Caitlin try to get a cooler goal next time yeah?" Bailey said as she ran away from her sister.

"She turned down free food." Katie said to her mom

"I told you both, she's good at covering it up, but she is hiding something."

"How did I not notice before? I feel like a terrible sister."

"Caitlin honey you aren't. I think it was something recent. She was much better last week when I sat with her. "

"Yeah babe its not your fault," Katie said, but knew Caitlin was eating herself up inside.

They headed home and Caitlin went straight to the couch and put her head in her hands. 

"Hey talk to  me what's wrong?"
"Its nothing okay? Lets just go to bed"
"No come on Caitlin let me in. What is going on in your head?"
"Maybe another day okay? I just want to go to bed now." Caitlin said as she headed up the stairs.

Katie and Caitlin shared everything with each other, well almost everything. Katie knew when it came to her parents, and sister Caitlin was much more reserved then with everything else in her life. Katie knew the story, but she didn't get past that.  Caitlin never told her feelings, only facts, when it came to that story. She never wanted to push her, but sometimes it seemed like Caitlin would go cold or completely shut down when something with her family came up.

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