Chapter 5

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Caitlin didn't realize how much closer her and Katie could have possibly become but once she opened up it felt like their whole relationship just came together. She thought it was perfect already but now.. wow they were so in sync with one another and Caitlin couldn't believe how in love she was. The only thing she didn't like that came out of opening up was how much Bailey gloated to her about being right.

It was now a few weeks before Christmas and Katie had announced she was going to do some Christmas shopping and would probably be gone for most of the day so Caitlin invited her sister over to watch some movies.

"Hey Bales"
"Hey. You got popcorn right?"
"Of course I do who do you think I am?"
"Just making sure."

About halfway through the movie Bailey got up and paused it.
"Uh whatcha doing?"
"I have an early Christmas gift to give you"
"And you have to do it in the middle of the movie?"
"Well I don't want Katie here when I give it to you."
"Just shush. Let me grab it."
Bailey ran back out and came back in with a small box.
"Okay let me explain this before you open it. So you remember when the lawyers were reading mom and dads will and I got moms wedding ring?"
"Uhh yeah? Why is that important. I told you I wasn't upset you got it."
"Well what you don't know is it came with a letter. They knew that I would probably be getting a ring one day from a guy but there was a 50% chance you'd be the one proposing in your relationship."
"I'm confused where is this going Bailey?"
"Would you just let me finish. They gave me the ring to keep until you were ready to marry someone. I was clearly instructed not to give you this until you found the one. Katie is your girl. You FINALLY opened up. You're happy."
Caitlin couldn't help but tear up a bit, "I dated Lia for 2 years why didn't you give me the ring then? I thought I was going to marry her."
"I know you better than you think Cait."
"Well why didn't you tell me to move on earlier then!"
"Oh yeah cause that would have went over so well. You don't listen to me as it is. Plus there wasn't anything wrong with Lia she was really great. You guys just weren't meant to last forever. I had to let you find that out. Just like you knew Ryan and I wouldn't last, but I didn't see it. I was happy. You were happy with Lia. But not like this. You are meant to be with Katie no doubt in my head."
Caitlin finally pulled out their mothers wedding ring and looked at it as tears kept falling.
"It is a beautiful ring isn't it?"
"Yeah it is. But I don't know what Katie's style is. So I went to the jeweler and asked if he could do any changes just in case. Here are some design pictures if you want to change anything to make it more Katie's style"
"You went through all this trouble for me?"
"It's the least I could do. You're the reason I'm still here. I had to wake up that day in the hospital for you. I could hear you crying. I couldn't leave you alone."
"God you're really going to make me cry now."
The girls stared at each other and laughed at how much they were crying until Caitlin finally leaned over and hugged her.
"I love you 7"
"I love you too 9, but I'll kill you if I'm not maid of honor."
"I'll see if you make the cut."
Just as they started discussing all of the designs they could do they heard Katie open the front door and both looked up like deer in headlights at each other.
"Go distract her!!" Bailey whisper yelled
"Fuck hurry clean this up"
"What do you think I'm doing idiot! Go!"
Caitlin ran to the front hallway and saw Katie walking towards the living room. She did the first thing that popped into her head and ran to Katie, picked her up and started kissing her.
"What did I do to get this welcome?"
"I just missed you."
The kiss got heated. Caitlin started to lead them towards their bedroom and slammed the door shut.

Bailey worked on cleaning up all the evidence. She was going to see if Caitlin and Katie wanted to go get some food but then she heard some moaning and yelling all the way from upstairs and ran out of the house so fast. She wish she could erase a memory because she was scarred for life now. She didn't want to know who those noises were coming from.
She had walked in on Caitlin kissing her first girlfriend once. But it was just a kiss. Nothing else. That was bad enough. This was enough to make her want to throw up.

Meanwhile an hour later Katie and Caitlin both had taken a break.
"Wait wasn't your sisters car here when I got home?"
Caitlin's face went white. "Omg yeah we were watching a movie. She went to make popcorn when you came home and I just got so happy you were here and got a little carried away."
She got up quickly and saw the car was no longer outside.
"She's gone now."
"Do you think she heard anything?"

I don't know I'll text her and try to play cool.
"Sorry for ditching the movie night."
"You two are disgusting. Sound proof your bedroom. I'm never coming over again."
"Stop being dramatic"

"She heard..."
"She's never going to let us live that down is she."
"Afraid not haha but worth it in my opinion."
"Mine too. I might go Christmas shopping more often."
Caitlin laughed at her and grabbed her to bring her in for cuddling.
"Speaking of Christmas," Katie said, " how would you feel about coming to my house this year?"
"Uh I'd love to honestly but I can't leave Bailey. We usually spend it together. Or we would both be going to whoever we were dating at the times house. But since her and Ryan broke up she doesn't have anywhere to go."
"Good thing I asked her last week and she already booked her ticket to Dublin."
"You asked her last week?  Why did I just get the invite now." Caitlin pretended to be annoyed but secretly was even more in love that she had thought to invite her sister.
"I knew you wouldn't come unless she was there. But then I got nervous to ask you. I think it's a big step to come home for the holidays."
"I'd love to come. Thanks for inviting me."
"Of course love."
"So how often do you and my sister talk behind my back."
"Shush go back to cuddling me."
"Oh so it's often!?"
"I said shush Caitlin. I'm trying to sleep."

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