11. Breaking Point

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Royal duties became a royal pain. Every week, James's duties became more extreme. Day to night, James knighted knights and nobles, sat through war and council meetings, and planned events for the island. He balanced his duties dutifully.

Katerina, on the other hand, noticed that her duties slimmed down. Gone were accompanying James to different events in and out of the castle. Instead, Katerina stayed inside and her presence started to be controlled. James tried to explain the lack of duties was because she needed to stay and take care of Victoria.

Bullshit. Katerina thought differently. The rumours floating around the servants started to become true. James needed to do damage control. What better way than to lock the Queen in her castle and throw away the key?

Katerina kept the lack of duties locked away in her mind. While James didn't want her out, she still found ways to keep her busy. Caring for Victoria was the best way to keep her busy. But like a tidal wave heading towards the shore, she started noticing that when she was not needed, her urges became difficult to attend to.

One day, James left early in the morning for a council meeting. Katerina woke up in bed alone and her thoughts went straight to the rumours once again. She didn't get to see him go and her morning urges were to come up.

Katerina breathed in and got up. She sat in silence for a few moments, trying to think of a plan for the evening. A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Your Highness?"

"Come in," Katerina said. Mary would have an answer.

The door opened and a servant boy walked in. "I'm sorry Your Highness, but Mary cannot come in for today, and they sent me to help you get ready."

"What's your name?" Katerina asked.

"Thomas, my lady," the boy said, bowing.

"Thomas. Well, any help is appreciated," Katerina said, getting out of bed. Without hesitation, Katerina took off her nightgown and stood naked in front of Thomas.

Thomas blushed and hung his head. Katerina noticed. "It's okay. I imagine you've seen the King naked. It's not that different."

"Of course madam," Thomas said, slowly walking towards Katerina. "My apologies."

Katerina walked around the room, looking for an outfit that could seduce James. She decided on a very low-cut green dress and a loose corset. She walked up to Thomas and turned around.

"I need your help please."

She gave Thomas the corset. She felt his hands brush against her breasts as he placed the corset on her body. As the straps were adjusted, Katerina moaned a little. Once he was done, Thomas adjusted the corset so it wrapped tightly on her body.

"Is there anything else you want me to do, Your Highness," Thomas asked.

Katerina thought once more and noticed her petticoat hanging on the divider. She smiled, walked to the divider, and gave it to Thomas. "Can you help me with putting this on?"

Thomas nodded his head and kneeled in front of Katerina. He stretched out the petticoat so she could step in. She put a hand on his shoulder for balance and stepped into the petticoat. He brought the petticoat up, brushing her butt with his hands.

Katerina closed her eyes and smiled. That small interaction made her feel good.


The following week was the same. James left early for council meetings and left Katerina to fend for herself. Every morning, she requested Thomas to help her get dressed so she can get that small interaction between themselves. Thomas, alongside Mary, helped her get ready.

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