It's About What You Have, What We Need

Comincia dall'inizio

Clem remained silent while she and Jane went up the stairs.

"Check this out. This gate's still locked, which means that hopefully no one's gotten to whatever was locked in there in the first place. Who knows what could be in there?"

"That could be a place for Rebecca to have the baby" Clementine smiled.

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Hm. Maybe I can pick the lock."

Jane pulled a nail file from her pocket and inserted it into the large lock opening.

"A nail file?" Clementine asked.

"Versatility is not overrated" Jane replied as she began fiddling with the lock. As she did Clementine went over to the telescopes that were sat on the edge of the wooden decking of the visitor's centre and started looking through it.

"There's a town on the other side of the river, Jane, might be worth scouting."

"Sounds good, I've just about got this-"

"Shit!" Clementine snapped, cutting Jane off.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Jane asked as she removed the lock from the gate.

"There's someone coming toward us" Clem said as both she and Jane hid down. Jane snuck her face out quickly before pulling back:

" Shit, shit, shit. He's coming this way. And who knows if he has friends nearby?"

"Can we fight him?" Clementine asked, thinking what Y/N would do in this situation.

"Could be too risky. I didn't get a good look at him. But we should scope him out and see what he's up to. I don't like having some stranger sneaking around so close to the others. We've got enough on our plates with a baby coming... Last thing we need is someone telling their friends about the new, easy targets in the neighborhood..."

"I'll distract him so you can sneak up behind him" Clementine said quickly.

"Good call" Jane replied as the youth walked up the stairs and Clementine rushed behind the cannon that was sat in the deck as Jane hid in the open room at the right of the decking. The youth made it to the deck and walked over to the rubbish bin that sat in front of the empty room.

Clementine peeked over the cannon and as the boy tried to shove a large duffel bag in the bin she stood out behind him:

"Hey" she said happily.

The boy shot round, a gun pointed at Clementine.

"Don't shoot I'm just a teen like you" Clementine said innocently.

"Don't shoot I'm just a teen like you" Clementine said innocently

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"I am Arvo. I'm going to go. I don't want to shoot..." Arvo spoke with a thick Russian accent as Jane snuck up behind him:

"I don't want to shoot anyone, especially маленькая девочка... A, uh, little girl."

The Walking Dead Season 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora