-Start song-

"Watch your back, watch your back" we all say in a singing tone forming a circle. 

We all get swords and get in a fighting stance Jay on my left and Harry on my right. We start fighting. Sword's clashing making the sound of thunder. Me and Uma back-to-back fighting, I nod my head at her to let her know the knight coming at her. The Knights stand in a group dancing. Me, Mal, and Uma look at each other and strike our swords at one and an electric wave goes through the knights.

"Suit of armer strong and true make this metal bust a move!" Mal spells and does a small dance that gets copied by the Knights. 

I take Mal's place and do a little dance swaying my hips as I lower down, the knight copies my dance and the Umas and then Carlos. Soon they are everywhere, and we fight them again.

"Night's fall, pitch black!" we sang as all the Knights fall into a pile.

We all start cheering and celebrating. Me and Carlos hug as we cheer and then harry walks up to me cheering as we are about to hug, we both stop as we are a taken back by a small shock wave. We then realize what we were about to do and just give each other dirty look and walk away.

"Guys come on this was great" Evie's speak. I can tell she wants us to get along but it's not that easy.

Evie, suggest we do an Icebreaker that earns a groan out of all of us. Really not the time girl, I mentally slap myself. We talk for a bit longer about what's happens next.

"Ok y/n go with the boys, the rest of us girls will go to her dorm" Evie says. 

'What why do I have to go with them!" I question as I see Evie's shift go to harry, oh no I see what she's doing.

"Cause they are boys keep them out of trouble, also you're the strongest girl so...." she say in which I just sigh walking out having the boys follow close behind. 

We are walking through a few trees looking for Ben when Gil stops at a grape bush. Picking and eating them. I pass by and pick one for myself. Gil suggests that we play icebreaker like Evie said. I hear him tell Jay something he likes, and Jay does the same and then telling something to harry. Harry turns around and looks at me up and down.

"mhm, y/n I like... your necklace" he says his eyes widening when he sees my necklace sticking out. I look down a quickly hide it.

Gil and Jay keep talking and getting along until Harry finally had enough of their talking. We heard Dude call out for Carlos and ran in the direction. We walk for a bit calling out to Ben. I was more at the back with Harry. we'd both look at each other a few times but would look away quickly when we'd catch one of us looking. Suddenly a big furry beast came jumping out of the bush roaring. I got a fright and took a few steps back not realizing the log behind me. As I trip over it and began to fall but someone stops my fall. I look up to meet Harrys blue eyes. we kind of just look at each other for a bit until another wave goes through us. I quickly stand up thanking him and getting out of his arms walking forward leaving him behind.  

The beast lashes out at us and roars. The clothes on this beast where the same clothes Ben was wearing... Wait its Ben! Ben finally stopped and stood on a rock growling.

"Ben, it's us calm down" I say. 

-Harrys POV-

We all walked through the forest looking for Ben. Me and y/n behind the group. we'd look at each other but when we catch each other we'd look away. But I couldn't not look she was so beautiful and strong. Suddenly a beast jumped out of the bush scaring us. Y/n got a fright and tripped on a log, but I caught her my hook arm wrapped around her waist. We looked at each other for a while until a wave went threw me. This wasn't the first time. Something was going on and I don't know what. She stood up and thanked me before walking off. The beast lashed out at us until he stopped on a rock.

"Ben, it's us calm down" y/n said firmly but sweetly.

y/n slowly made her way over to ben. My body tensed up scared that he'd lash out at her.

"Hey Ben, It's y/n... Mals best friend remember" she says slowly approaching Ben. He lashed his claws at her, I was about to go up, but she put her hand out to us telling us not to move. 

"Woah, you know me alright, so let me help you ok" she says slowly gesturing for him to give her his hand.

"Ok that's a big one" she said looking at the wood in his hand.

"Ok 1...2..." she said counts holding the wood.

"3" she says pulling out the wood. He lets out a painful growl.

Suddenly a steam of water landed on Ben. We all turned to see a girl with blue eyes and black hair.

"Jane!" Carlos said running up to the girl and hugging her the two started to blabber on. 

I turned my attention to y/n who hopped down from the rock. We locked eyes again but this time she softly smiled, and I smiled back she started walking towards me until... she walked PAST me. She was smiling at the Jane girl. The two hugged, smiling and laughing.

-Back to your POV-

We told Ben briefly what was happening. But he kept questioning us.

"Details to follow!" I say snapping at him as Jay pushes him and we walk off to where the girls were.

We walk up to Evie's house and the girls walked out Ben and Mal running up to each other. I greeted Evie and Celia. Giving Uma a greeting nod. After the reunion we split up Dough, Jane, and Gil went to go find fairy god mother and the rest of us went to the fairy cottage.


Oop harry caught you because you were obviously falling for him ;) stay hooked.

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