Chapter 54

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I downed the drink in one gulp without anyone seeing a thing.

"Alert, level 3 intrusion. Please evacuate calmly to the designated assembly area. Alert, level 3-"

Bakugo sprang to his feet, scraping his chair on the floor.

He shouted, his voice covering the sound of the alarm for a moment:

"1-A, come here !"

Some glanced at each other, but all converged on him, no doubt remembering that he was their representative and had to be obeyed to some degree.

He counted everyone and lined us up in pairs to lead us out into the corridors.

The whole maneuver had only taken half a minute; for all his faults, not taking his role to heart wasn't one of them. I was almost the last one through the door when Bakugo stopped me.

I raised an eyebrow.

"You're the least incompetent of the lot," he spat and looked away. "I want you to stay in the back and make sure none of these idiots get lost"

Did I just hear Bakugo pay me a half compliment ?

"You don't ask Uraraka ?" I said.

Because she was the sub-delegate, not me.

He shrugged.

"She's as flipped out as the rest"

I glanced at her and saw that she did indeed look as stressed as the rest of them, if not more, glancing right and left.

"All right" I said. "But you owe me one"


He gritted his teeth, glared at me, and walked off to lead the convoy.

"Come on, you idiots, let's go !"

Everyone started moving, many students stepping aside in front of our small, highly organized group. Other students began to gather in the same way, and I didn't miss Bakugo's small, satisfied smile.

We crossed corridors, descended stairs, and it wasn't until we reached the last corridor leading to the sports fields of the main building that we found ourselves squeezed.

At first we got in easily and waited patiently to get out. Then a group of idiots ran in and started making a scene, pushing everyone to get through.

I grabbed one by the collar of his uniform as he passed within my reach, glared at him, and pushed him back to where he'd come from.

"Wait your turn" I said, glowering at him.

My irritation increased as I was pushed and shoved, and confusion spread through the rough ranks of the mass of students.

Bakugo grabbed two students by the collars of their jackets and shook them, yelling at them.

In the middle, the 1-A group began to split up, and Bakugo yelled at them to get back in line, but it was impossible because everyone was scattered.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

Katchan will owe me for this.

With an elegant gesture, I jumped and launched myself onto a glass wall that overlooked the outside of the building.

Crouching down, I clung to it with chakra, conjuring a thin layer of ice under my feet to give the illusion that it was holding me up.

I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with air.

"I swear, if you don't calm down right now, I'm going to freeze you all and leave you here to rot"

I had amplified my voice slightly with chakra and it echoed clearly throughout the room.

[ENG]Shoto Todoroki : Modern-day TerroristWhere stories live. Discover now