This book will not be finished overnight. A lot of information must be compiled and things will be edited on every scale when new information is presented. I am not a journalist. I am not a reporter. I do, however, get my information from them. Considering I am also including other things, such as I said History, Culture, and so forth, it will take a while to gather the CORRECT information. If you have any information and would like to add it, please do not hesitate to reach out. The more information, the absolute better.

Unfortunately, Congo and Sudan has very little readable resources.

Most are videos and this is what has caused me to be silent. It is NOT an excuse and know that me being silent has been wrong. In this book, those two will be talked about as much as Palestine. Unfortunately, again, it may take a little longer because videos are only coming from a couple people and I hope that very soon we will be able to have access to master-docs and readable resources.

TRIGGER: I will be including pictures. I will be screenshotting videos and photos coming from Gaza and the West Bank. You will see graphic things. You will see dead children and adults. You will see bodies on streets and blood. I know it's hard to look at. But it's so important that we do look. Because none of these people have the choice to look away.

MY STANCE: I hold a very strong stance currently. I refuse to look away from the horrid things and I refuse to turn a blind eye. I know this isn't for everyone but I have recently given up on catering to everyone's feelings. I'm sorry. By this, I mean, I refuse to accept when people say looking at these things is too hard. That looking at these things makes people sad.

For 1, it absolutely should make you sad. We don't spread this things for our enjoyment. I WISH there was another way to educate and garner attention than sharing death. But there isn't. Death draws attention. Death draws sympathy. Death draws anger. And right now, we need anger.

And for 2, we only see small videos. Can you imagine all your day consist's of is bombs? That you have no water, no food? That you are probably going to die and your family is probably dead too? That if you're injured you're dead? These people have no hospitals. No medics. No resources. They have to cry and scream on camera to show the truth. If you can't handle a couple photos and spread a couple sentences/paragraphs, I don't want to be associated with you. People are dying and I'm done catering to everyone else.

This is also a place for no American politics. I am American and both sides are fucked beyond repair so don't wanna hear any support Trump shit and don't wanna hear any support Genocide Joe shit. Both are horrible people and deserve the rot.

I also will be actively shitting on Genocide Joe because enough is enough sorry if I hurt your feelings but he's killing people.

As for Ukraine and Russia, I won't be discussing them either unless I am talking about the media racism and such. They have gotten their time and support and that is truly a war. These stories aren't getting enough attention. (I still support Ukraine and it's people as well the right to have their own country but I do not support much of the government anymore seeing as they backed Israel and decided not to hold elections.)

Last but not least: ADDED INFORMATION.

As I've said before, the more information the better. If any of you have information you'd like added, please please reach out. I will 100% add you.

If you'd like to be apart of this book and become a collaborator, please please reach out. I would love to have this be a book created with numerous different authors, editors, etc.

Now, with any Genocide, comes conspiracys.

I know currently there are quite a lot and a lot of questions are being asked and have yet to be answered. With this, I will be adding them in. This is not making them facts nor is it saying I believe them. My job right now is to simply spread the information. Although I am biased in support of the oppressed, I do not believe everything. I take ALL INFORMATION with a grain of salt until I fact check. So far, I have not shared a single theory that I did not make clear was a theory. Next to these questions/theories I will place ***. I will also specify that these are simply theories/questions presented by people and have yet to be answered.

I end with this:

Free Palestine.
Free Congo.
Free Sudan.

There is no other correct stance. Stop being neutral. Stop ignoring. Stop condoning genocide.

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