PLEASE READSometime ago, I was on instagram when I found this video. It explained how in the modern world, humans are told to rely on yourself and no one else. Socialism has disappeared, and its made people hold the thought that "If this doesn't effect me, it doesn't matter." I'm here to explain why this is wrong, and give some important information that I believe should be spread.
Before I begin: I would like apologize. I have created numerous chapters in this book, and woken up to them gone. I've restarted and the same thing has happened. I have emailed Wattpad, restarted and deleted the app, and nothing has changed. I'm taking a risk posting this because I fear my entire book will be deleted. This does not excuse my lack of updates. I truly am sorry and even as my life is extremely hectic, that does NOT mean I have stopped caring. I care so incredibly much for the liberation of all people suffering an oppressive rule.
HARMFUL STATEMENT: "If this [situation] doesn't directly effect me, it doesn't matter."
WHY: Now, I understand why people seem to say this when discussing important situations going on in other parts of the world. At our core, America is about separation. We have broken away from Socialism and relying on other people for things, and most have lost (or never had) certain empathy. This does not mean people don't care, or that they have no empathy in general. This means rather that the basic idea of all people (not just those you know and those you have met) deserving equality and freedom as you have it, is not taught. It is something that has gone away, rather replaced by the thought process of isolation.
Isolation is something that most people do, and it's not inherently a bad thing. It is useful for those that genuinely need to isolate occasionally, and even useful for certain situations. However, in times of Genocides and inequality, Isolation has become muderous.
In Palestine, they held marches for Black Lives Matter after George Floyd was killed. They painted a beautiful mural of his face, with the quote that "We are not numbers." They have showed immense loyalty for freedom of oppressed Americans, and have fought for them in their own country. Even at the risk of Israel attacking, they supported a movement that did not directly effect them. (By this I mean in Palestine, them showing support for Black Lives Matter did not gain them any freedom.) Palestinian's did it because they understand oppression, and they see the wrongful treatment of people of color in America.
In America (and many other places), our declaration of the freedom of Palestine does not effect a lot of us. It does not benefit us directly. [By this, I mean, most of us could have turned the other way and would have never known that a Genocide was occuring.]
However, just because our values and country have taught us to not rely on anyone else and turn a blind eye, does not mean we should. I know it's hard. I know it seems like an odd feeling to care so much about people you've never met. Your mind will begin to mold all of the names and numbers together, just as it did during Covid. A lot of times, it is not even necessarily a person's fault.
Here's where it becomes the issue:
When there are bountiful resources, plenty reliable sources, history available at the touch of a couple buttons, and you STILL refuse to educate yourself. When the people of Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Congo + have asked that all you do is listen. All they want is for you to listen, and then you decide that because you don't know them, you won't care for them. They aren't asking for your money. They aren't asking for handouts. All these people are asking for is a voice and it is our responsibility as human beings and those who have the FREEDOM to speak, to project their voices loud enough so they are heard.
At this point: no excuse is acceptable. Deciding to be ignorant in these Genocides has reached a point where it is no longer acceptable to spew excuses. People are dying. People are being murdered.
Here's a little backstory on me: I'm a white, American woman. I grew up in a middle-class family and my mother has had help if needed. I have a car, and clothes, and food. I own a dog, a bed, a phone. I am a woman, so I face some obstacles, but I am incredibly privileged. I will never know what it is like to fear for my life because of the color of my skin or fear for the history of my people
to be erased. I say this not to make it about me, but rather show, that even though that freedom from an oppressive rule does not effect me, I care.I'm also not sharing this to gain thanks. I should not have to be thanked for being a decent human being. I am sharing this so you understand that even if you have never faced oppression or discrimination, you can still care. You can still speak up.
At the end of the day: People are dying. The only thing that matters is liberation. The pathetic excuse of a ceasefire is over and Israel is back to bombing Palestine. It is back to killing. It is back to destroying everything it wants.
Here's the correct statment to say:
CORRECT STATEMENT: "Even though [situation] doesn't effect me, I will still care and speak out when I can so that they may be free.]
It's not hard to care. It's not hard to spend 10 minutes a day and stay updated. It's not hard to continue your life and also speak for the liberation of these nations. It's not hard to stop being selfish and help.
• Boycott Israeli products as well as companies that support Israel. These are the main ones I have seen below and I have a resource in my bio under BOYCOTT.
- Coca Cola
- Disney
- Walmart
- Starbucks
- McDonald's• Send money if you can, any cent helps.
• Click once a day (link is in my bio under CLICK.)
• Stay educated. Spread information that you can. Share with friends, family. Make sure to fact-check.
• Comment under posts you see. Even if it's something simply, even if a 🍉. Interaction increases the spread of said post.
• Call your representatives.
These are the main ones I am aware of, if there are more please comment them so I can include them here.
Also, I'm sorry if this made no sense. I have so much to say and unfortunately my brain doesn't let me type as fast as I think. The main point/summary is Isolating yourself and claiming that because this doesn't effect you means it doesn't matter is harmful. Instead, acknowledge that even though this doesn't effect you, it matters and you care. Just be decent human beings. That's all.
Never Forgotten
Non-FictionAn education resource used to spread information about the following genocides: Palestine, Congo, and Sudan.