wasn't me | p.p. // part two

Start from the beginning

"Right." Tony said skeptically. "So, Pete the treat. Any romantic interests at school?"

Everyone turned to stare at Peter, who was in the middle of taking a sip from his glass. Peter started choking on his water for a long time. No one made any effort to help Peter so he just sat there choking for an uncomfortably long period of time. Everyone stayed silent as he Peter coughed, turned red, and clapped his chest to try and get the water out. When he was finally done, he was crying and bright red.

"What?" Peter asked horsely.

"Peter doesn't want to talk about girls, dad." You laughed nervously. Everyone exchanged looks while also sneaking glances at you and Peter.

"He does with me. Come on. My dad never bothered with this stuff and I want to break the cycle. Tell me about your love life." Tony insisted and playfully patted the table. You shot daggers at Peter and everyone turned to look at him. Peter felt sweat dripping down his forehead and smiled nervously.

"There's no one, Mr. Stark. No girls."

"I don't buy that for a second. I can see the hormones brewing in your eyes. You're sweating just at the thought of her. I know there's a girl."

"Maybe." Peter squeaked out.

"See? I knew it. Tell me about her. She cute?" Tony asked. Peter looked at you for a brief second and quickly looked away.

"Yeah, yeah. She's gorgeous. Really pretty."

"She's all right." Sam shrugged, making everyone stifle a laugh as your jaw dropped.

"Fuck did you just say?" Peter snapped.

"I was kidding. Damn." Sam held up his hands in defense.

"Damn, indeed." Tony laughed. "Way to stand up for your girl, kid. She's a lucky lady."

"Thank you, sir." Peter said and hoped that was the end of the conversation.

"You really are a good kid, Peter. I don't tell you enough. I was just saying this to Pepper the other day, but if anyone is ever brave enough to try and date my daughter, I hope they're like you." Tony said sincerely. This time, you started choking as everyone murmured with amusement.

"Really?" Peter asked hopefully. He looked at you but you didn't dare make eye contact.

"Yeah. Sure, you're pretty annoying and way too eager at times, but you're a good kid. You're responsible, you care about other people, and you know how to get a decent haircut." Tony continued.

"So you'd give Peter your blessing? If he and I ever wanted to date?" You asked skeptically.

"Absolutely not." Tom said immediately.

"What?" Your face dropped. "But you just said-"

"I said I hope the person you date is like Peter." Tony specified. "But Peter would never be allowed to date you."

"Why not?" Peter asked and you shot him a look. Everyone else kept their heads down and turned away from Tony so he wouldn't suspect anything.

"Not that I care. Psh. Peter is lame. I would never date Peter. Haha. But yeah, why not?" You asked your dad.

"Because he's a superhero. And no daughter of mine is dating a superhero."

"But you're a superhero." You pointed out. "And mom married you."

"I know. That's why I'd never allow you to go down the same path. I've missed hundreds dates, thousands of calls, and a million important moments because I was off being a superhero. I was saving the world but I was hurting the person I love most in the process. I don't want that life for you. If Peter was an average guy off the street, I'd be thrilled to know you were dating him. But Peter isn't average."

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