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chapter 10

No one's pov

Hyunjin went to see his grandparents today. It was a weekend. He didn't see them for two weeks. He got out from the car and locked it. A maid opened the big door for him. Hyunjin smiled at her.

"How r u ...miss?"

The maid smiled back at him and opened the door wide.

"Fine... but...did I heard it right?.. miss?"

Hyunjin walked in and looked at her.

"yes....aunt?" Hyunjin said trying not to laugh.

The maid gave him a fake smile and gazed him to go ahead.

"Aunt...did the grand dude make u drink that kuding tea (herbal bitter tea) again?" hyunjin said walking backwards looking at the maid. His hands in pocket.

"...does it shows in my face?"


"... but he made it specially for u" the maid smirked.

*pft " I know u're kidding..."

"no, she isn't .."

Hyunjin turned to look at the man who said that. An old man was standing there up on the stairs.

"I made it with my father's recipe... u won't find it as pure nowadays..."

Hyunjin smiled and walked up skipping the stairs to his grandfather. He hugged him.

" where's grandma?"hyunjin asked.

"she went to visit an old friend of her, she'll be back in the evening.."

"oh...."hyunjin pouted.

"But why this tea thou...u could've welcome me with something else.."
Hyunjin looked at him whining.

His grandfather patted on his back and grab his hand. Leading him to the balcony.

"right...I should've prepared some eggplant soup..."

Hyunjin made a disgusted face. Rethinking why did he even said that to his grandfather. His grandfather chuckled at Hyunjin's reaction.

They sat in the belcony. It was so calming. The grass field full of dandelions and wild grass flower was in view. There's no house or signs of humans near here, but could see the city buildings and towers from here. It looked so peaceful. Hyunjin stood by the side and took a deep breath taking in the fresh air from nature. His eyes were closed and his mind & heart was free from stress and restlessness feelings.

His grandfather stand beside him. Looking at the view. He have been seeing this all the time and even more when the season changes.

"everytime I come here...all my tiredness goes away...." Hyunjin said opening his eyes.

But not this time...maybe..

Both sat down at the chairs and looked at the grass field again. A maid came with a tray and placed the tea with some pastry & cookies. They started talking about various things that happened in these two weeks. Hyunjin blurted out about his weird feelings toward an omega boy, but he didn't say the name or any identity. The old man chuckled at his grandson but didn't say what that feeling is. Rather he suggested hyunjin to went through it and enjoy the feeling. If he didn't find out what the feeling means then he will tell him what it really is.

Hyunjin sighed. He expected his grandfather to tell him what does it mean. But now he's more tensed.
His grandfather wanted to know how the omega looks like and then.. hyunjin started to describe.....

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