A new face

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chapter 3

Felix pov

I woke up by the alarm that has been ringing for 5 minutes! Ahh! I'm still not used to the time here! I should have wake up earlier. But it's ok, I'll get used to it.

I went to bathroom, brushed my teeth & took a shower. I'm going to school from today. I'm excited! But I'm nervous too. Don't know how the students there would be....
I started getting ready. I didn't got my uniform yet. I chose a pink sweater and jeans.Then I brushed my hair fixing my bangs. I looked in the mirror, it's perfect.

(that's what he is wearing now

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(that's what he is wearing now...)

*Knock knock

"come in "

"you ready?" Minho hyung came in .

"Yes "

"ok, come downstairs for breakfast..
dad is waiting for u..."


"Make it hurry!" Minho went away.

Im going to text sungie that I coming, starting school from today. He'll be happy. I wonder how the school is. But as long as Minho hyung is there it will be alright.... I think.

Hanie quokka💕

Baby chick 🐥
I'm coming school

Hanie quokka 💕
not today!

Baby chick 🐥
what's wrong?

Hanie quokka 💕
I took a leave
I've an appointment
with my doctor.

Hanie quokka 💕
I'm sorry
I won't be there
to help u

Baby chick 🐥
It's ok
don't worry
see u next day!

Hanie quokka 💕
ok baby
take care

. . . . . . .

Felix went downstairs. Saw his brother & dad talking about something.

"Good morning "

"Good morning sweetie....did u sleep well...?"


"of course he did, he's such a sleepyhead" minho said while taking a bread piece.

"I'm not even used to sleep in here!"
said with a shocking face.

"And u slept for 11 hours yesterday.."
minho said smiling.

A Doll (hyunlix)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora