Regrets & Feelings

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chapter 7

Someone burst in opening the door of the rooftop. Felix looked behind. There stood a worried looking minho still trying to reach Felix through the call. His eyes tearing up as he saw his little brother just standing there with a emotionless face....

. . . . . . .

"Hyung "

"lix... what r u doing here & why weren't u picking up the call..?" Minho said.

"Oh... maybe I've forgotten it in my bag..." Felix replied searching his pockets.

Minho walked to felix & hugged him.
He kissed felix's hair.

"I was so worried.... don't roam around without telling me.."

"I'm sorry hyung.."

Minho let go from the hug & cupped Felix's face in his hands. He looked at felix's eyes... observing. He could tell his baby brother cried. Because his eyes was red & cheeks were swollen.

"what happened lix? tell me.. I'll help no matter what.. I'll solve it "

Felix looked away. He can't lie looking at his brothers eyes. But he also couldn't hold back his emotions. He's eyes started to tear up again. He bit his lips & it curled down. Tears started to roll over his cheeks. He's nose turned red. He hid his face like a child with his little hands.

"lixie... don't cry...I'm here...why r u crying?" Minho tried to see his face. Felix hugged him & started crying. He hid his face on Minho's chest. Minho patted his head & let him cry.

(After a while...)

Felix was still hugging him, don't want to let go. He looked like a koala. Still hiding his face. Minho was patting his back.

"So... wanna tell me what happened?"
Minho asked sweetly.

"Um-mM" Felix shook his head that he don't want to. Minho didn't force. Making sure Felix is alright.

"...wanna go home?"

Felix nodded 'yes'. Minho smiled & started to walk with a koala. He called his driver to pick them up. He asked a student to bring Felix's bag from his class. And got that. They went home.

. . . . . . .

Felix fell asleep in the car. So Minho took him in his room, trying not wake him up. Felix was mumbling in sleep. Minho cooed. A maid came and asked Minho what was wrong with their young master. Minho just told her he's tired.

But later that night Mr. Lee went to Felix's room to check up & call for dinner. But rather he was shocked his baby was still sleeping. He placed his hand on felix's forehead & felt it burning. He called for their maids & asked them to bring a wet towel. Minho walked in. He was surprised to see his dad wiping his brothers face and hands. He can see how worried his dad looked. Their family doctor arrived and did a checkup. Felix was having a high fever and he's lack of sleep. He prescribed medication.
Minho then see the doctor off of their house. And came back to see.

"I'm an irresponsible father, I can't even take care of my own child.."
Mr. Lee said brushing his hand through Felix's hair. He kissed felix's forehead.

"Sorry sweetheart. I promise from now on I'll give time to both my children..." He went out.

Minho sat beside his brother. Suddenly his phone light up giving a notification. He looked at the phone screen. It's Chan.

Old bang

Old bang
Hey mate
U left too early today

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