Extra 1: I Have Special Treatment Skills.

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Professor Chen is known for his love and care for students. When a foreign expert exchange group visited Qian Dao City, he seized the rare opportunity and arranged several internship positions for his own disciples to learn from the expert team every day.
Among them was Lu Wanwan. Besides attending classes, she also had to go to the hospital. Although it was for learning purposes, she performed the duties of a medical intern. She was so busy that her limbs felt paralyzed, and she would collapse into bed and fall asleep as soon as she returned to her dormitory.
Along with Lu Wanwan, there were also An Jiaxian and Song Rongrong, among others. After going through the emotional fluctuations, An Jiaxian became serious again. After all, he was the second student in these years to be admitted to Z University without an entrance examination.
Lu Wanwan felt a bit of pressure. After achieving the first place several times, who would want to settle for second place? She could only work hard, harder, and even harder.
Song Rongrong was having a hard time because at the hospital, they were still under the guidance of Meng Xibai. She was still a bit afraid of this senior brother, knowing that this psychological problem wasn't easy to solve. She was also afraid of Ren Chu. She attributed this to bowing down to evil forces.
Ren Chu was rarely at school now, dedicating more time to work. This led him to realize after completing a project that he hadn't seen Lu Wanwan for quite a while. Every time he called, Lu Wanwan would fall asleep immediately, and they couldn't chat for long.
Ren Chu decided to go to the hospital and make an appointment.
In the bustling ward round procession, Lu Wanwan and her group were walking at the rear. They listened to the chief physician's instructions, and as usual, Meng Xibai was praised. After the meeting, the chief physician went back to his clinic.
Lu Wanwan wasn't feeling well, and Meng Xibai asked her to take a short nap. After sleeping for a while, Meng Xibai came to wake her up.
"There's a patient, could you take a look?"
"Me? Can I do it?" Lu Wanwan felt a bit flustered. "What symptoms does the patient have?"
Meng Xibai thought for a moment and said, "Preliminary diagnosis, either it's lovesickness, or the patient is brain-dead."
"Huh?" Lu Wanwan was even more surprised.
Lu Wanwan quickly changed into a white coat and followed Meng Xibai to the examination room.
Meng Xibai specialized in thoracic surgery, and today he didn't have too many assigned patients, or he wouldn't have time to deal with this "lovesick" patient.
Once inside the examination room, Lu Wanwan dared not lift her head. Taking a deep breath, she psyched herself up, "Dr. Meng just mentioned a bit about your condition. Tell me specifically where you feel uncomfortable."
She was very nervous, facing a patient for the first time. She placed the medical record Meng Xibai gave her on the table, and her voice trembled as she spoke.
"The patient is suffering from mild lovesickness, severe brain damage. If you don't leave now, I'll have to call for help..." The patient read the contents from the medical record.
Lu Wanwan was shocked, quickly collected the record, and said, "You can actually read the handwriting of our doctors!"
"Of course, my girlfriend is a medical student. Wanwan, I feel dizzy." Ren Chu said and leaned towards her, resting his chin on her shoulder, looking fragile.
Lu Wanwan was still in shock. She didn't expect that the patient was Ren Chu. No wonder Senior Brother Two's expression wasn't too good earlier. Ren Chu was here to cause trouble.
For them, who hadn't seen each other for a while, meeting in this way was unexpected, but she was still happy, even a bit moved. However, she still had to scold him, "You can't come to see me by making appointments in the future. It will delay other people's medical treatments."
Ren Chu surprisingly behaved obediently, simply saying, "Okay. Wanwan, I missed you."
Lu Wanwan chuckled like a little fool, "I miss you every day."
"Why is An Jiaxian here too?"
"He's also Professor Chen's excellent disciple."
"Do you work together every day?"
"Yeah, Senior Brother Two leads us."
"When will the expert team leave?"
"It will take another week."
Ren Chu sighed, "If only I had studied medicine. Is it too late for me to go for further studies now?"
Lu Wanwan couldn't help but laugh, blinking at him, "Do you want Professor Chen to accept you as a closed-door disciple? Then you'd become his excellent disciple, and I would be your senior sister!"
Ren Chu hugged her and asked seriously, "Senior sister, how do you treat lovesickness?"
Lu Wanwan turned around, struggled out of his arms, and also adopted a serious expression. She pinched Ren Chu's chin and said, "This patient, let me check your tongue coating. Open your mouth."
Ren Chu obediently opened his mouth, and Lu Wanwan actually examined his tongue coating. Then she said, "Get more sleep. With your abilities, you can surely finish your work during the day."
She really understood him. His recent lack of sleep was purely because he missed her.
"Anything else? Any miraculous medicine that can bring immediate relief?"
Lu Wanwan's eyes glanced around, a sly smile on her face. She tiptoed and kissed him on the lips, saying, "Is that better?"
"A bit better. Doctor, can you increase the dosage?"
Ren Chu bent down, hugged her, and deepened the kiss. She seemed to be playing the role of a thief, which amused Ren Chu. He nodded and said, "Indeed, no more dizziness. Senior sister, miraculous healer."
Lu Wanwan responded with a casual "Hmm" and said without changing her expression, "When you're less busy in a few days, I can give you a follow-up."
Ren Chu restrained his laughter. Why did he feel like his Wanwan had learned some bad habits?
Lu Wanwan's phone rang, expecting it to be Meng Xibai, but to her surprise, it was someone who had disappeared for almost two years. The phone number was very familiar, something she had worked hard to obtain.
The text message was also straightforward: "Lu Wanwan, how's my 'Candy Crush'? I'm returning to the country tomorrow. I'm Wang Yuyang. Remember to pick me up."
Lu Wanwan screamed, "Senior brother is coming back!"
Ren Chu frowned and quietly sent a text to Wang Yuyang: "Wen Mo is going to Germany next week. How about you both come back together?"
In a few minutes, Lu Wanwan received a text from Wang Yuyang: "Lu Wanwan, I've decided to come back with Wen Mo the week after next. No need to pick us up."
"What's wrong?" Ren Chu asked.
"Nothing, senior brother changed his mind again. He'll be back the week after next, and we don't need to pick him up," Lu Wanwan replied.
Ren Chu just said, "Oh," and added, "Go to work."

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