I rolled my sleeves above my elbows and grabbed a shovel. "Yes?" I acknowledged his existence but did not give him my full attention. I got to work as he stared down at me.

He stomped his foot on a muddy spot, and I resisted the urge to laugh. "You fucking whore, that is no way to talk to your mom!" he yelled, chest raising out of anger. I simply chuckled at his words. I got used to them. It was not new. 

He hated me, but I was indifferent toward him, which was worse than hate, in my opinion.

"Dad, be for real. She will never be my mom. I am twenty-five, she's thirty-five... do the math," I joked, feeling so happy. I did not let him ruin my day. My flowers were so alive and pretty, which was a good enough reason to be happy.

"Verena," he warned, but I shrugged him off. "Look at me when I speak!" I rolled my eyes yet looked at him so he could get his colorful speech out of his system for the day and leave me alone. "You're so worthless and stupid. All you do is smile when you're being insulted. Don't you have any self-respect to say something?" he asked, breaking the box I laid next to the flowers. It was a good thing I removed my angels from it. He did not value anything other than money.

I sighed and rubbed my dirty hands with my pants. "Whatever I say, you deflect. I learned my lesson not to argue with thick-headed people. Leave me be." At this point, I lost my smile and stared blankly at him. 

People thought I was his precious treasure, but money and his reputation were his treasure. Being an alderman in New York with businesses to run made him colder behind closed curtains. Less human.

I was his biological daughter; I secretly did a DNA test once to make sure. However, he treated me worse than he treated homeless people. He was not kind to them, so imagine how he was with me. His verbal abuse was enough to thicken my skin over the years.

He was a narcissistic, egoistic robot, and I learned to tolerate his antics.

"Did you see Heath today?" he asked, defeated that he did not see tears. I stopped crying years ago and would not give him the pleasure of seeing me crumble under his abuse.

I almost gagged at the mention of that name and dug my shovel deeper into the ground. "No, and I hope I don't see him... like ever."

Dad scoffed. "He's your boyfriend. He has the right to see you whenever he wants," he reasoned and crossed his arms, already sweating under the sun. He was not used to standing outside for that long without his umbrella.

Queen crap, right?

"I might be his girlfriend, but he is not my boyfriend," I countered, getting irritated that he was disturbing my happy hour. Heath Hemlock was the boyfriend Dad chose for me to upgrade his social image. I did not get a say when the relationship was decided five years ago.

If you can't beat them, infuriate them... That was my motto with them.

"What bullshit is this? He is your boyfriend whether you accept it or not. He told me you haven't let him kiss you. Five years. You've been together for five years. Verena, if you don't let him, I swear-"

"You swear what? Hit me? Nothing can be worse than your daily dose of serotonin for me. Cut the crap, and don't get your nose into my business more than that. Heath is my escort outside the house for the cameras, but I'll never willingly touch him." I grabbed the last flower and decided to plant it near the swing, far from Dad's reach, because he never climbed the hill, which was perfect for me.

I removed my heels and climbed the hill with the box and other materials. I glanced back at him, but he was nowhere in sight. "Finally!" I prepared the ground for my beautiful angel and planted it. "You will grow up and be the prettiest of them all," I whispered and laid on my back, forgetting that my back was not in the right state to do that. I winced when the rocks hit my back and wanted to curse, but I decided that Heath was not worth it.

He whipped me last week, as per usual.

Heath's physical abuse started right after we were declared a couple to the public. I refused his advances every time he tried to touch me inappropriately, so he thought that whipping me with his belt would make me cave in and give up my innocence.

Five years later, he still had not succeeded.

He gets his pleasure by hitting me, I suppose.

I tried to tell Dad once, but he dismissed me before I could say anything, so I gave up and took in all the beatings. If it gave him the sexual release he so desperately wanted from me, so be it. He knew I would ruin his reputation if he raped me. 

I could still expose him for the abuse, but I decided to wait for the perfect moment to do something.

Later that night, I made my move.



Hello :) 

This is my newest book. What do you think of the first chapter? 

As stated before, I will update once a week, mostly on Fridays. 

Stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy!

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