Katsuki could only grumble after he responded to Aizawa while cursing out Izuku and the spear extra in his head. Aizawa continued his announcements "Also today we'll be going to the USJ" the whole class roared in cheers as they all thought he meant universal studios Japan until Aizawa glared at them with his quirk activated then continued his speech "If you're thinking universal studios Japan you're wrong. It stands for unforeseen simulation joint. Myself, thirteen, Allmight, a student from the third year classes and a special guest will be joining us for today's heroics class." After finishing his speech he pulled a giant flashcard out and it read rescue which told the students what topic they'll be learning today.

Iida immediately raised his hand in curiosity for Aizawa to motion him to speak. "Who is the special guest, sir?"

"I'm not full on the details, but the guest is a hero part of a worldwide agency."

Izuku raised his hand in curiosity now. "Is the agency Seayetto?"

"Yes...actually. How did you know?"

"Shot in the dark."

Aizawa shrugged before pressing a button for everyone to grab their costumes. "Meet me out by the buses in five. Also, Midoriya. Do something about the bird. It could get hurt."

"Piii." Mocha stuck her tongue out for Aizawa to ignore this and begin heading out.

Near the buses

As everyone got ready and headed out towards the parking area of the school. There, the class was met with a familiar face to two of them. When she turned, her eyes immediately went wide. "IZUKU! WHAT! IS! UP!" Kizuna ran towards Izuku with everyone but Ochako shocked by her chumminess towards their classmate to see them start doing the macarena up to holding their heads before shaking their hips and turning around to shake their butts before letting out a bit of a laugh.

"So I'm guessing you're our guest from the third years?"

"Yep. And I see that the little filolial hatched. Whatcha name it?"


"Piyu!" Mocha spoke up with happiness for Kizuna to laugh a bit.

"Midoriya. Do you know who this girl is?" Kirishima asked for Ashido to immediately pop her head up in shock.

"She's your girlfriend! Isn't she!" Ochako and Kizuna immediately got red at this before Izuku gave a blunt answer.

"She's just a close friend." This word struck Kizuna in the chest for Bakugou to grumble.

"She looks more like a kid than anything. Fucking lolibaba."

"HEY! DON'T CALL ME/HER LITTLE, STUPID PREMATURE EXPLODER!" Kizuna, Ochako and Izuku shouted in unison to now anger the ash blond.

"WHAT YOU CALL ME-OW!" Mocha went to bite Bakugou's nose before jumping off and sit in Ochako's hands. "YOU'RE DINNER, FUCKING BIRD!" Bakugou was about to go for Mocha, but was punched in the face by Izuku who looked ready to kill.

"Be ready to die if you wanna continue, asshole. Nobody is going to harm Uraraka, Mocha or Kizuna as long as I'm here to stop you."

"Ok. Someone stop Midoriya now. He's about to kill someone." Kaminari was afraid of Izuku going a little overboard before a smack across his head was noticed.

"Don't go overboard. He's a jerk, but that doesn't mean you should try to kill him." Kizuna spoke up for everyone around them to be scared beyond belief. She blew this off with Izuku calming down enough to go on the bus. Everyone joined him for Kizuna to sit between Ochako and Izuku feeding Mocha.

As they got moving, Tsu decided to ask a few questions about Kizuna and Izuku's relationship. "So Kazayama. How do you know Midoriya? You also seem very close to Uraraka."

"Well, my friends are Izuku's legal guardian at the moment. I guess if you had to put it in words, I'm sorta like his step sister."

"Yeah, don't expect me to call you big sis or anything like that."

"Now that's just rude." Kizuna pointed this out for everyone to laugh at this.

"So what exactly is your quirk?"

"An RPG quirk like Izuku's. Mine's a little more special though. I can transform my weapon into any type of tool that is used for hunting and can handle nonhuman damage at a higher level. However, I can't directly harm a human being even if I wanted to."

"So you're just some loser that can't kick a villain's ass. Pathetic."

"I'm still tougher than you, Bakugou. Also, I never said I couldn't indirectly hurt someone. As an example, if you were standing under a tree and I cut it down. I wouldn't be breaking that rule if the tree crushed you." Kizuna held a smirk for Bakugou to hold some anger. "Oh yeah, I do have a friend of mine that helps me out." Kizuna held a wooden card out before it transformed into Chris.

"THE HECK IS THAT THING!?" Sero shouted in shock for Chris to smile at everyone.

"This is Chris. To make a long story short, he's a creature that I have to help me fight humanoid enemies. He also helps me find the other person that helped me create him." Chris hopped off to look at Mocha before speaking to her.



"Aww. They're becoming friends." Ochako smiled at this before catching Mocha who was about to fall from the sudden stop of the bus.

"We're here. Get off." Aizawa got up and brought everyone off the bus for them to see 13 in front of them. Ochako immediately went into a fangirl shriek seeing her favorite hero with Mocha copying her joy, unsure what exactly it was about. As they talked, Izuku used some of the feathers that fell off Mocha as well as the remains of her egg shell to feed to his gauntlets to unlock a Monster Tamer Gauntlet with a unique skill called 'Growth Boost'. It was somewhat interesting as far as he learned with Kizuna punching his arm to have him pay attention again to see everyone walking into the facility.

"So what did I miss?" Izuku whispered to Momo for her to explain.

"We're doing rescue work here and this facility was made for the sole purpose of helping heroes become capable of handling natural disasters."

"Not bad." As he spoke, the lights in the facility began to stop as well as the fountain for it to confuse everyone. "Did someone forget to pay for the electricity or something?"

"Cool. They even have fake villains here." Kirishima spoke up for a strange portal to be known with a large number of villains coming out of it.

"Oh for the love of...You can't be that stupid, man. They're obviously not fake villains and are the real deal." Izuku spoke with some annoyance with Kizuna pulling her Cardinal Weapon out.

Aizawa jumped down to the ground and turned towards everyone. "13. Kazayama. Protect the first years."

"Iida! Run out of the facility and look for help!" Kizuna shouted for the engine quirk user to run towards the door. Before he could leave, a villain made of black mist came out of nowhere to stand in front of them.

"Hello. We are the League of Villains. We have come to kill All Might. However, he isn't here today. Might there have been a change in the schedule?"

"DIE YOU BASTARD!" Bakugou and Kirishima jumped up and tried to attack the villain with Izuku jumping back knowing something wasn't right. As he did, he was engulfed in darkness by the villain.

"Seems you all are going to be quite a trouble. Now, disperse!"

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku and class A are now dispersed within the USJ. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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