14. Variety situations

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"But you said Celestia is the one..." Fenice sigh again.

"I leave Celestia before the Archon war ended."

"Then, you must be a-"

"Back to the point, is there anything else you need to ask? I still have works to do." Aether sigh as he realize Fenice avoiding that particular question.

"That's... All for now. I don't think my mind can take all the informations at once."

"Let us go outside then. Your companion must be looking for you."
"Aether! Paimon have been looking out for you! Fontaine's cuisines are delicious! Can Paimon have more mora to buy them?" Fenice can see a tick mark appears on Aether's head.

"Paimon, was it?" Paimon snap out of her rant and look at Fenice, still oblivious to his presence until he call out for her.

"Ouhh, you're that guy! What was it again... You're Fenice, right?" Fenice nod.

"Glad to know you still remember my name. Though, to keep it short, I don't think Aether have enough mora to keep buying you foods. Here, take this. I think it will be enough during your stay in Fontaine."

Paimon tilt her head as he she received two pouch of mora from Fenice.

"There's 50,000 mora in there so please use it wisely." Aether's eyes widen and his mouth gaped while looking at Fenice who still have his close smile on his face.

"50,000 Mora?! Thank you very much! You're such a generous young man!" Squeal Paimon as she looking through the pouches that fills with mora in her hold.

"F-Fenice, don't you think its too much?" Aether sweatdrop as Fenice give him his famous closed smile and he can saw imaginary flowers appear around him.

"Think its as a welcome gift from me. You're having rough days after arrived here after all."

"But I think it's still too much."

"Just be grateful and take it, traveler."

Aether sigh, knowing he can't win against Fenice so he can't help but nod.

'Gosh, he's more stubborn than Lumine. Damn rich people!'
Fenice blink as he saw the Celestia is getting closer. Is it just his imaginary? He rub his eyes and looks at the sky again. The Celestia still stay at its place. Though, it does seems nearer to one of the seven nations.

Ever since his last meeting with Aether and all the discussion about Celestia, some unwanted memories rushing towards him, making him can't sit still.

'If one of the Archon will die, they will awaken that shitty heavenly principles.'

"Ah, Fenice! It's nice to see you here!" A sudden voice snap him out of his thoughts. He turns around and chuckle as he saw the familiar person waving at him.

"Why hello there, Wriothesly-san. Is there anything I can help you with?" Wriothesly laugh and mess with Fenice's hair.

"Nothing. I just passed by. I just finished talking with Charlotte and happened to saw you here. So I've decided to greet you." Fenice nod and fix his messy hair that made by the almighty Wriothesly.

"Well then, see you later. Better be in good condition next time we meet."

"I thought I'm the one who should say that to you, old man."

"Hey, I've heard that! You have to respect the your elders!" Fenice mentally facepalm.

'I'm actually older than you though...'

Wriothesly decided to wave back at Fenice who gives him a small wave before walk away. His smile immediately turns to a frown.

'I'm almost slipped to ask him about the twins and their siblings but I forgot they're close with him. He must be mad if he heard they've got hurt. I have to be careful next time. Not wanting to anger him.'

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