<> chapter three <>

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I was immediately happy that it worked that I tripped as I stood up and almost fell back onto the creature. I immediately hit my lip until it started to bleed, I really didn't need this pervert monster waking up again but as the creature leans back up and tries to touch me I immediately leaned back but the creature still grabbed onto my waist and I felt something that made my entire face turn bright red.

I panted even thought nothing had happened and I just aimed my gun back at the creature but this time at their head

"Listen to me, I don't want to hurt you. But unless you don't stop you're about to know how powerful this gun is."

The creature stared at the gun as it knew I had to tame this intelligent but also prevent beast by making him think I am stronger but I didn't know that to him I was the bird and he was the wolf.

The creature laid back onto the floor and I carefully pull his jacket off him revealing a ripped up shirt. I grabbed some pain relievers and made the creature eat them. I knew he would be in some pain but as I grab some tools and pulled the thing out I immediately saw that it was a bit of an organ.

I stared down at the creature's stomach and as I touch it the creature immediately took action grabbing my hand but I pulled my gun out aiming at his head. We both stayed quiet but I watched carefully as he placed my hand on his chest.

"You want me to touch you, Like a rub?" The creature didn't stop his mysterious smile and I just sighed and continued my work but the position changed ass I placed my body over his legs.

I felt a leg raising at me and I immediately blushed as I looked back spotting the creature's grey arm touching me and one of his legs were raised. He pulls me closer to his face.


He carefully bites my ear as he raises himself I felt like he had all control and I felt my shirt getting ripped by the creature.



I am snapped back into reality as I hear my name being called out. I stare down at the creature who was growling at the door. I got up and sighed but as I hear my name get said one more time I immediately left the room leaving the beast by itself.

I dodged the guards and went into the bathroom but as I wash my self I couldn't help but mumble and my body trembled I was not going crazy for a beast right? RIGHT?

As I turn the shower off and changed into a rob the door opened and I was met with my mentor Leo.

"I am tired I don't have time to deal with you."

As I walk pass him I am immediately grabbed and pinned against the wall.

"What did I tell you about last night."

"Shut it just calm down!"

The man completely ignored me as he continued to talk nonsense.

"I warned you not to get close to that beast without my permission, but who left the medicine box in the room?"

"Maybe one of your dumb staff left it there don't fucking ask me!"

"You're a complete little lier, y/n I will never trust you again."

I bit my lip as I remembered that no one board will help me if he planned to do anything.

"Remember Leo I am your student!"

"I have held it back for a long time and I want you to know I have liked you since day 1"

I bit my lip until it started bleeding again I mumbled pervert under my breath.

"You are gonna surrender to me, and I will wait for that day to come."

"Go away pervert!"

"You're so cute I almost fall for you."

I struggle but it was hopeless but I stopped as I smelt something that smelt familiar to me.

It was the smell from the beast. The smell of organs.

A beast and a his prey || eyeless jack x readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ