The Show Is Just Beginning

Start from the beginning

She hummed softly as she swiped her debit card and punched in the code for some Lay's Chips.

She bounced in place with a smile as she watched the chips fall down from the metal spiral and into the bin below.

A gloved hand clasped itself over her mouth, halting any noise she could have let out as a needle was plunged into her neck.

The pop bottle she had been holding slipped from her fingers and rolled away as her hands shot up to grasp at the arm that came around her midriff.

Her vision swam and she fell limp into the arms holding her.

Her eyes blinked in confusion as she was maneuvered around and lifted up into the arms of an unfamiliar man. Her head fell to the side, spotting a woman as she stepped up beside them.

"Good job, Alpha. Let's get out of here before her... Companions realize she's in danger. No doubt they felt her worry and panic through the bond."

Kate. Ellie was looking at the tall blonde form on one Kate Argent. "It's a good thing you decided to go up a level to these vending machines. They do have better options than the ones below." She ran a finger down from Ellies temple to her cheek.

"You are a pretty one, aren't you?" Ellie wanted nothing more than to flinch away from Kate's disgusting touch, but she was paralyzed. She couldn't even twitch her finger.

"You'll be the perfect bait to draw Derek and your Alpha out. You ruined my original plan." Kate waved her hand and the man shifted Ellie closer to his chest. He was gazing down at her with sad eyes and a frown on his lips.

She let her eyes roam over what she could see of his face and chest. She may not have been able to move her limbs, but her eyes were still working. For now, at least. She was beginning to feel sleepy.

The man walking with her in his arms was a beauty. Ash blonde hair and silver eyes. Pale skin with a beauty mark below the left corner of his right eye, sitting upon the top of his cheek. His other cheek was littered in beauty marks as well, traveling down his face. It reminded her of Stiles.

Her heart sank into her stomach when her eyes landed on his neck. Kate had this man collared.

Does... does that mean he had no choice? Was he Kate's backup plan since Peter didn't work out the way she had planned? That's what this was right? Kate had Jessica controlling Peter's wolf, but Ellie had ruined that plan completely.

'Oh, shit.' Was Ellie's last thought before she was out cold.


When Ellie woke, her body Ached something fierce.

She was laying on a cold cement floor. She sat up and froze as she heard the telltale sound of rattling chains. She lifted her hands and stared at the cuffs clasped to each of her wrists. She followed them to the chain that kept her attached to the floor. They had her chained to the drainage pipe.

Movement from the corner of her eye had her scrambling backwards and away from the movement.

Her eyes locked onto the man from before. His was kneeling on the floor to her right, both hands held up as a sign of peace.

Her eyes widened. He was chained up as well. Chained to a metal fence by each ankle and the collar around his neck.

She whimpered; hands held tightly against her chest the tears began to flow down her cheeks.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He raised his hands to his neck. "She has me too." he frowned sadly, glancing down at his feet in anguish. "Has for almost 7 years now." His voice was just as pretty as his face was.

Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1Where stories live. Discover now