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Kabuto prepares to kidnap Sasuke under Orochimaru's orders, but he is stopped by Kakashi and is forced to retreat.

After the Hokage's announcement Naruto left the fighting arena.

As he walking past the hotsprings he came across a old man peeking.

Pervert!' Naruto screamed at the man causing him to fall and hit the side of the hot springs.

The women inside heard the noise and ran away covering themselves up causing the man to cry.

The man looked at Naruto and growled.

'You just destroyed my research!' Shouted the man.

'Research yeah right you pervert. With that ugly mug of yours you certainly must scare the women away"Naruto said with a smirk

"Brat do you know who you are insulting. " Jiraiya glared

"Don't care." Naruto said as he took off his blindfold

'What the fuck.?' Jiraya said as he saw Naruto's appearance

"Just because he's got a good face. He thinks he can talk down to me." Jiraiya thought

Naruto saw the ladies came out. They were now fully clothed.

"He's the pervert." Naruto said pointing at Jiraiya

'Let's get him!' Shouted the women

"Oh crap I better run." Thought Jiraya

Before Jiraiya could leave he found himself unable to move.

"Why can't I move my body." Jiraiya thought until he saw Naruto smirking at him

"You brat let me go." Jiraiya yelled

"Get him ladies" Naruto

The ladies did just that.

After a couple of minutes. The ladies stopped beating him.

"Good job ladies." Naruto said with a thumbs-up

The ladies invited him to join them and went back inside.

"Did you enjoy your beating pervert." Naruto

'Hey I'm not a pervert.' Said Jiraiya

'Oh yeah then what are you?' Asked Naruto.

'I'm a super pervert.' Said the man before summoning a toad and doing a dance on it while saying

'I am a man who makes; ladies swoon with his good looks and men tremble in fear from his very name, the sage of Mount Myoboku, one of the legendary three Sannin. I am Jiraiya.'

Lame.' Said Naruto in a monotonous voice which caused Jiraiya to fall off his toad.

'Hey you little brat show me some respect I'm a Sannin for crying out loud, one of three people in all the land. A legendary ninja.' Said Jiraiya as he stood up indignantly.

'In my experience respect is earned from the individual not the title." Naruto

"You are annoying you know that." Jiraiya

"Ok" Naruto

Naruto walked towards the hotsprings.

"Wait who are you kid." Jiraiya

"Naruto Gojo" Naruto said before going to the hotsprings

"He has the same name as Minato's kid." Jiraiya thought

After speaking to Naruto. Jiraiya goes to to Hiruzen. He asked how Naruto was doing. Hiruzen then tells him about Naruto.

"Orochimaru how dare you try to kill my godson." Jiraiya thought pissed

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