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Everyone returned to the upper level. Naruto distanced himself from Neji.

Now then, the last two competitors, will you step forward?" Hayate asked, once the others had left the ground floor.

Skipping using the board to pick who would fight next since there were only two people left, they still used it to show the others the names of who was fighting.

As the mummy Sound ninja stepped forward, he was chuckling. 'So it's finally my turn.' He thought, giving his opponent a glance before dismissing him.

Choji was pumped, Asuma's promise of food encouraging him. 'Just keep your eyes on the prize, all you can eat barbecue.'

'My job is to survive the main tournament and battle Sasuke, isn't that right, Lord Orochimaru? I wouldn't want to disappoint you. I have began to see through your design. The reason you ordered us to kill him. The curse you put on him. We were your pawns, weren't we, my Lord. Put here merely to test the limits of his abilities. It's not Sasuke's life you want. It's Sasuke himself.' Dosu thought, before glancing at the Sound Jounin.

Choji Akimichi VS Dosu Kinuta

Naruto warned Choji about Dosu's ability.

Choji and Dosu went down.

All right. The 13th and final match will begin." Hayate announced.

"You can do it!" Shikamaru cheered, looking far more enthused than Ren had ever seen him.

"Fatso!" Ino shouted.

Causing Choji to grow irritated, grumbling to himself as he bared his teeth. "OK! I'm going to finish this match. It's only going to take about two seconds, and then I'm coming after you, Ino!" He promised.

"That's one way to motivate someone." Naruto chuckled

"Fine, fatso." Dosu taunted. "If you want this match to end quickly, I'll just win it quickly."

Grumbling, Choji whipped around to face him now that he had used his trigger word, the promise of food, desire to crush him and Ino was enough motivation that it lit a fire in his eyes.

"You're going to go down hard, you mummified weirdo." Choji promised. 'Naruto told me he uses those holes in his arm to emit a pulsing sound. But if I can't hear it, then he can't hurt me.' Choji figured, thinking he had the battle all wrapped up.

"Ha! Ninja Art: Expansion Jutsu!" Choji called out as his body expanded.

"Whoa, I heard they grow up fast, but isn't this a bit much?" Naruto joked.

"Now the Hidden Leaf Style Taijutsu." Choji shouted as he pulled his arms, legs, and head into his clothing, creating a prefect ball as chakra slipped out. 'This will protect my ears from his attacks and crush him like a bug.' Choji thought as he went up into the air and spinning fast, charged at Dosu.

"Human Boulder! Chubbies rule!" Choji shouted, while Dosu didn't even attempt to move out of the way.

"Yeah, all right! Choji, you can do it! Squash him." Ino cheered.

That guy doesn't even need to touch Choji to hit him with a powerful sonic attack. But they only work when Choji's ears are showing. With his head covered, it's like Choji's wearing ear plugs.' Naruto figured as he watched Dosu effortlessly jumped out of the way while Choji was slow to turn. 'Those sonic attacks are useless against that big meatball, especially when it's rolling.'

Standing in front of one of the wall, Dosu easily escaped the line for fire as Choji rammed straight into it, creating a crater as he tried to pull himself out.

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