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With the medic ninja and the last two competitiors off the playing field and out of the way.

Hayate walked forward and sighed.

"OK then. Let's move right on to the second match." The Proctor announced as all who remained watched the board for the next match. Many with grim expressions.

The screen flashed once again as characters flew by on the screen. The letters settling until it revealed the names or the next competitors. Shino Aburame VS Zaku Abumi.

Zaku chuckled a bit as he read the sign before looking across the room where he guessed his opponent was. "Which sucker is that?" He asked, overconfident from the get go despite his injured arms

Across the room, Shino was silent as he watched his opponent. Observing the pathetic bug before him and how best to trap it.

The Sound Sensei gave a weird smile as he looked at Shino's sensei who glared back at him.

"Step forward, please." Hayate called out for the two candidates.

They came down.

"Very good. Now if you're both ready, then we'll begin." Hayate told them as they stood facing each other in front of him.

Up on her side of the balconies, Sakura looked Zaku as she recognized him. 'That's that Sound Shinobi, the one who was almost killed by Naruto .' She thought

'How's he going to fight with just one arm?' She wondered.

"Do you think Shino will be alright?" Hinata asked, her mood gloomy.

"He's OK. Don't you worry about him." Kiba assured her.

"Huh?" Hinata asked as she turned to the dog lover.

"He's the last person here I'd ever want to take on." Kiba answered, his tone serious and lacking his usual confidence.

"Candidates ready?" Hayate asked as he backed away so he wouldn't get caught up in the fight. Seeing no arguments rising, Hayate, didn't waste a moment. "Begin."

'Well, Zaku. How you pull this one off will be a sight to see.' Dosu thought

Down in the field below, neither combatant had moved even though the proctor had given them the all clear to start the match. Each were waiting for the other to execute their first attack. Waiting to see who was more patient.

"If you fight me, you won't be able to recover." Shino promised darkly. "Forfeit and withdraw."

Zaku stared at him with a frown before answering. "We will see."

Shino said nothing as Zaku crouched down into fighting stance, with his single arm out before him as he got ready to charge at him.

"One good arm is more than enough to beat you!" Zaku said as he rushed forward.

Shino was standing perfectly still as his opponent came at him, only moving to raise his left arm to block Zaku's attack. Zaku's palm wide open.

"You couldn't beat me even if used both your arms." Shino stated, not in overconfidence, he spoke as if is was fact, the simple truth. To Shino, it probably was the true.

"Yeah, well I've got news for ya!" Zaku shouted as air was pulled into a tiny hole in the center of his open palm the other ninja couldn't see. "Try this! Blasting Sound Wave!" He shouted as Shino turned his head towards the sound of rushing air soon followed by an explosion occurred where the two ninja had stood.

Zaku smirked as the dust cleared enough to see his plan had worked and Shino was on the ground.

Kiba and Hinata gasped at the sight of their teammate taking full force of the blast. Kiba's eyes twitching in shock. Hinata, being the sweet soul she was, couldn't help but be worried.

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