Mals birthday

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Mals pov
I wake up , it's my last year as a teenager. I fell quite cold and I turn around to see nothing on the other side of the bed. He's probably working today which I'm fine,with he's the king, I have to share him. I just hope he's remembered what day it is. He comes out of the bathroom, gets back into bed, sees me tucked under the covers and opens his arms. I get into them,and he kisses me and says " happy birthday baby, you have me to keep you company and distract you until you're,party later, I helped plan it but I also had to make sure you had a good day so I offered to stay with you all day". I kiss him and say " thanks babe, day with you sounds perfect but what about work, there must be some paperwork as king".  He says " dad is doing it until we're married, then we can do it together, the decision was made last night, he thought I should have more free time now what would my birthday girl/ dragon like to do first". I laugh at his cuteness and kiss him he kisses back.

Bens pov
She gets on top of me and we make love, it gets better every time, we have talked about kids in the future. I put a top back on, kiss her and tell her to wait in bed , I come back into the room t9 find her in her favourite hoddie of mine. I laugh and say " it's yours now, seriously you can keep it". I join her under the covers, she snuggles into me and says  " Ben that's to much it's Christmass in the next few months ". I kiss her and say " nothing is to much for my baby girl". I give her the card ( to mal happy birthday, what can I say that I haven't already, you have thought me what love is , you have shown me that villain kids can be good, I hoped they would be but when I let you I knew you were, you're extreamly sexy and fiery especially when you turn into,a dragon, I love you so much love your Ben". She kisses me and says " thank you so much Ben, this is already the best birthday ever and it's just started". I give her the presents ( clothes,makeup,shoes,jewellery,perfume and a few other little things). We spend the rest of the day together I really hope she's enjoyed her birthday as she deserves it after everything she's been through.

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