chapter 13: the Calvary battle

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As Y/N in an awkward position while his teammates reassure him, mainly Kaina and Momo. Iida readies himself to use his quirk as Present Mic began the second round.

Kaina: N/N? Everything will be alright as long as we have fun.

Momo: (confused) 'N/N'?

Kaina: it's a nickname that I give him.

Yaoyorozu had a think about whether or not it's a relationship thing but decided to ask her after the second round.

Iida: what's the plan, Queen?

Y/N: probably ease ourselves up to the top four.

The other three thought that it was a good idea. Using his engine, Iida helps Y/N to collect the other teams head bands, easily.

Momo: how are we looking?

Y/N: I'd say, we're doing very well.

-security detail, break room-
Y/N’s best friend, Yu Takeyama (or Mt Lady) is chatting with Death Arms and Kamui Woods. Yu was impressed to see her best friend is doing very well.

Kamui Woods: while we're at it, (looks towards Mt Lady) why didn't you say something about Queen being in UA despite of not having a quirk?

Mt Lady: because, Woods. Y/N trained with his father to be just like him.

Kamui Woods: but that doesn't make sense. Being a hero is risky especially if he doen't have a quirk.

Mt Lady: if Mando heard you say that, He'll remind you about the Avengers and SHIELD in what they do.

Death Arms: (has a smoke) she does have a point about that. Remember that report in regards of the USJ incident? Hulk helped All-Might in protecting the students.

Kamui Woods knew that his fellow heroes were right about various of topics and didn't argue. Back in the arena, Midoriya and his team were doing very well in avoiding having the ten million points being taken until they came across Todoroki and his team.

Midoriya: so much for a confrontation.

Todoroki: (looks at Midoriya with determination) I'll be taking that now.

Midoriya knew what Todoroki was going for his headband only to find his headband taken from behind.

Present Mic: (commentary) whoa! Where did Queen and his team came from?!

Y/N: (smirks) that was too easy.


Oliver and Nana were very proud with Y/N's display as well as Leo and Tony. But for some strange reason, Rei was very amused to see Endeavour annoyed with the show from Y/N.

Endeavour: (thinks) that kid shouldn't be allowed to enrol into UA, let alone have a new course for heroes. Disgraceful....

With the Queen/Snarts, Leo knew what Endeavour was thinking and wasn't very impressed. Y/N and his team are doing their best to keep the million points as Iida uses his engine to keep them at a relative distance from the others. Present Mic begins the count down the final moments as Tokoyami sent dark shadow to take Y/N’s points and was in a surprise as Y/N’s points were half of ten million due to his team's victory in the rally race earning them second place behind Y/N’s team.

Y/N: bet you didn't know that my team earned the five million for coming first in the rally. Eh, Midoriya?

Then the second round had ended with Bakugo face planting the ground. the top four teams advancing were: Y/N, Midoriya, Todoroki and Tetsutetsu.

The next chapter: everything's relative

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