29: Batman

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*Sara POV*

I should have thought about the ability of my dress before I chose it this evening because so far I have climbed out of my bed room window and down a tree in it with heels that could stab someone's eyes out. And now I am here at the Gala with only one last thing blocking me from my parents. A giant Fence.

Of course there is an easier way into the Gala however you need a ticket into the place and since I don't have one, I can't get in. However if you round the back there was a fence that would lead right into the party. Perfect.

Only problem is that I am in a short black dress with heels that were already hurting my feet. So that led me to my next option. Taking the shoes off and throwing them over the fence and climbing up the fence with bare feet.

As I started to climb up the ladder, placing my feet in each link of fencing, I prayed to God that no one would see me do this. News would spread like wild fire that Sara had to climb her way into the gala instead of paying for a normal ticket. It was already bad enough in my mom's mind that I was not dancing at the Gala. Wouldn't it be worse if the whole Gala witnessed her daughter flash everyone in her mini dress while climbing the fence. Huh, no thanks.

But of course, there was someone watching me as I climbed. I was at the very top of the fence when I saw the figure appear in the shadows by the back wall.

"You know you could easily come through the front door." The voice recommended. I slipped at his words, taking the voice by surprise, leading me to tip over and lose my grip on the fence.

"Shit!" I said loudly as I let go of the fence. I expected to hit ground but no. I landed in someone's arms. I looked up and was taken aback by my rescuer.

I was looking into a familiar face however for some reason I could not think of his name. He looked down at me with an amused smile on his face.

"First time I've done that." He commented, breaking the silence. I looked at him alarmed.

"Can you put me down please?" He chuckled, realizing I was still in his arms and placed me down slowly and gently.

"Sorry, I was just surprised that someone like you would make such an entrance. Aren't you the favorite dancer at this place?" He asked curiously. I walked past him up to the side of the wall where I could see the dining area. My parents were right up front in the biggest and nicest table with a few friends such as the neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Peters and Elizabeth, my cousin from San Francisco. What was she doing here?

"Uh do you always have a pocket knife in your purse?" The boy's voice asked from behind me. I turned around and saw that he had picked up both my shoes and purse. The pocket knife was visible from the unzipped bag.

I walked over to him and took both my purse and shoes from him.

"I needed it to get out of the house. That's all." I turned away from him again and looked back over at the dining area. This time looking for my friends. I found them at a table near my parents talking to some boys from the 4th year class. Ew they are way too old to be hanging out with those boys. I made a noise in my throat.

"So let me guess. Your parents didn't want you here because you did something bad?" The boy asked. I turned back to him, surprised he was still here.

"Something like that. What are you doing back here by the way? Aren't you supposed to be with your family watching the show? It's about to start." The boy looked behind me and nodded.

"Yeah well it just started but I am not the ballet type so I prefer being near the kitchen where all the extra food is." I turned toward where his eyes looked and saw a swinging door with waiters going in and out of. I sighed and turned back to the dining room.

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