Kinktober Day 9 - Lactation - MinnieMonnie

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His exclamation had seemingly caught the attention of somebody, as he heard from across the flat, "Joonie? Are you okay?" It was just him and Jimin home, and the other omega had seemingly developed super-natural hearing as it really should not be possible for somebody to hear him across their way-too-big flat.

"No!" Namjoon was fully aware he was being dramatic, but goddamn it, he was pregnant! He got to be dramatic! At least that is what he decided in that moment as he still was trying to dry off his tits.

"Oh god, what happened?! Are you hurt?" The plitter-patter of socks on the hardwood floor rang through the flat as Jimin ran through the rooms to get to Namjoon. "Do we need to call the hospital? The midwife? The other guys? Oh god, are you dying?! Please don't die! We love you!"

Nobody could overreact quite as much as Jimin could, especially since Namjoon had gotten pregnant. "I am not dying!" Normally he would have had more patience, but this was not the moment for that. "But you might all be if I get my hands on you all!"

Jimin finally stuck his head from the door frame, cheeks red from running to see exactly what was wrong with his beloved omega, fear and worry still having a hold on him. "Joonie?"

"You did this to me! All of you!" Namjoon pointed accusingly from Jimin to his breast. "See what you are all doing to me! I just wanted to get some work done!"

He had expected Jimin to fall into a long slew of apologies like he had done so many times before; instead, Jimin just stared at him, like it was the first time ever he had seen Namjoon.

It took Namjoon a moment to realize exactly what Jimin was staring at. It was his chest, and Namjoon scoffed at it. "See what you have done!" he threw his hands out, not caring about how dramatic he was or wasn't. He was not happy about this new development. The bump was bad enough; how dare it mess with his body like this.

"God, Joonie, you're like..."


"Like a cow?" Namjoon interrupted him, huffing and puffing as he folded his arms the best he could between his swollen tits.

"Beautiful," Jimin made his way across the living room to get on the couch with Namjoon, raising his hands to touch until he realized that he should probably get consent before he does anything, looking up at Namjoon with wide, asking eyes. "Can I?"

It didn't take much consideration to nod; they were sensitive and sore, but Jimin, with his small, fine hands, was always sweet and gentle, and if anything, it might help get some of the soreness out.

With careful hands, just as expected, Jimin reached out, cupping the recently swollen mound of flesh. "Oh... is it milk?"

"Well, I assume it's not booze." Oh god, Namjoon could use a drink; he hadn't had a drink for so damn long. "Or coffee." Oh god... more coffee. He couldn't have coffee; god, he wanted coffee so badly.

He wasn't sure what he expected; it tended to always be hard to predict what Jimin was going to do, but it certainly wasn't for the omega to bend down and lightly suck at the dirty part of Namjoon's shirt where the milk had spilled over.

A shocked gasp left his mouth as Jimin applied light suction and his tongue to get as much of the milk from the shirt.

It felt... kinda nice.

Maybe it was because they were so sore, but even through the shirt, the soft and gentle movements of Jimin's mouth made it feel so much better.

As Jimin raised his head looking up at Namjoon, Namjoon wasn't sure what he expected, but it certainly wasn't the look of blown pupils and raw lust that was clear in those dark orbs.

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