❤️Tommy- The Secrets You Kept

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It had been a long time since Thomas shelby had been in love. Of course, he'd loved other women, his late wife Grace included. But he'd never actually been in love except for with one person. Y/n y/l/n.

She was the Birmingham beauty. Adorably sweet in every aspect, loved by the community of small heath from the moment she learnt to talk. She never said a bad word about anyone, always choosing to be the bigger person.

"Sometimes people say things that they don't really mean. They're having a bad day and I just so happen to be the person they go to in order to release their anger" she once told Tommy, after he'd begged her to stop finding the good in everyone. He loved her positivity, but he also knew that one day, it would get her killed.

They were lovers before and during the war. And when Tommy returned, he and y/n shared a passionate night together before y/n was dragged away to Scotland by her family. The rise in power that the shelby family were experiencing was scaring y/ns own family, and they worried for her safety, quickly getting her away from all the illegal activities taking place. She and Tommy tried to keep in touch through writing but eventually, the letters stopped coming by the orders of y/ns father.

However, y/n had taken control of her life recently. Finally, she could return home. Alas, she didn't expect Tommy to have waited for her. She hardly expected him to remember her. But he deserved to know the truth.

Getting off the train was one of the most exhilarating yet terrifying moment of her life.

"Mummy, what's wrong?" Her daughter asked, looking up at y/n who had teary eyes

"Nothing my darling. I'm just so glad to be home. Come on love, let's get settled," y/n said, grabbing her bags and walking out of the station platform with her daughter by her side. She had brought her old childhood home. Whilst it was hardly as glamorous as her country cottage in Scotland, it still gave y/n a warm feeling

"I think I'm going to like it here," Connie, her daughter stated, watching as children played hopscotch in the street. Previously, the only houses around were miles away, and consisted of old farmers who, although nice, never played hopscotch. There was a school, but Connie always felt saddened knowing her friends would meet up after school on their street, and she couldn't join them. Being only 7 years old, she was very optimistic.

They had been staying in the house for 2 days before y/n decided to find Tommy. Thankfully, Connie had quickly become friends with the neighbours daughter, so she was staying with her friend for tea.

Walking into the garrison, y/n felt rather sick. It had been a long time since she'd been in there, and the nerves were starting to get to her

"I don't believe it. Y/n y/l/n!"

"Oh Arthur! I've misses you dearly!" She gasped, flinging her arms around him as he lifted her from the ground, kissing her cheek softly

"Are you visiting or back for good?" He asked

"I'm back for good. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I just...I couldn't face it. But now, this all feels right. I've bought my old house down watery Lane and I hear that you shelbys have gone up in the ranks"

"We've done alright for ourselves. It's fucking wonderful to have you back y/n. I suppose you're looking for Tommy. I'm just going up to his now if you'd like a lift" Arthur offered

"Yes please. I'd appreciate it."

"Guess what else has changed"

"You're married?" Y/n asked

"Yes but not what I was thinking of. I own the fucking garrison" he stated proudly

"I'm so happy for you. Just like you always wanted" y/n beamed, linking arms with the man she'd spent years calling brother. Arthur drove her up to Tommy's House, and y/n gasped at the sight

"Sweet Jesus!"

"Like you said. We've gone up in the ranks," Arthur chuckled, lifting her chin up as her jaw had dropped. They walked inside, Arthur's booming voice calling for Tommy. When he entered the hallway, he stood still in his place, looking at y/n in questioning

"Hi Tommy. You look well"

"So do you. W...what are you doing here?" He asked, moving closer towards her

"Well, my news can wait. I'm going to leave you two to rekindle the flame," Arthur joked, leaving the pair to it as they blushed, embarrassed by Arthur's comments

Their eyes connected as y/ns lip trembled, a single tear running down her cheek

"Tommy, I'm so sorry. I...I didn't know what to do. My father stopped me from writing to you and i-"

"Don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault. You were safer in Scotland. We haven't necessarily had the best of luck recently," he sighed

"Oh? I don't mean to pry but what's happened? Oh god! Is it polly? Is she sick? Is it John?"

"They're fine. Everyone you know is fine. I got married but she was shot a few years ago. Grace. We have a son, Charlie. What about you, did you ever get married? Have any kids?" He asked. It took y/n by surprise and she wasn't sure why. They'd been apart for almost 8 years yet she was still in shock

"I'm sorry for your loss Tommy. I got close once. He was charming and handsome but when I walked down the aisle, well I froze. Ran home in the snow in my wedding dress. Not my most proud of moments" she laughed sadly as he held onto her hand, guiding her to sit down

"There's something you need to know Tommy. Something....really important" she whispered to him

"If its about your father, then I already know,"

"No Tommy. Not about my father. Its about my daughter. To be more accurate, our daughter. Oh god Tommy. I wanted to tell you so badly. I didn't even know until a week before she was born! And then father didn't let me contact you. A few years ago, we ran away and got our own home in the countryside, away from them. I shouldve come straight back to you but I was too scared that you'd deny us and turn her away" y/n rambled, panicking that Tommy made order them out of Birmingham

"I have a daughter?"

"Her names Connie. She looks just like you. Except with my hair. I'm not asking you to take me back. Me and you...well it was a long time ago. But our daughter still had a chance to have her father in her life. I grew up resenting my father, I don't want her to experience the same thing," she said softly

"Does she know about me?" He asked

"I told her that her daddy was the love of my life but sadly I had to leave him. She knows that you never knew I was pregnant. But she doesn't know who you are or that you're here, in Birmingham. I didn't want to tell her until I was sure of your response," tears rolled down her cheeks, meeting her lap as Tommy sat dumbfounded

"Charlie would love a big sister. And I want to meet my daughter. But it can't happen. I lost grace because of the life. I'm not dragging you or our child into this mess. I'll buy you a nice house in London and you can live far away. I'll send you money monthly and-"

"Don't you dare! You think I came here for money? I have plenty of money Tommy. Enough to feed, bathe and protect my daughter. You know more about the life than I do. So I'm trusting you on this. But if you turn her away, then don't expect her to come back. I don't want you to have contact with her unless you're going to be a proper father. I know it's alot right now. And I understand that. So I won't tell Connie anything until you make up your mind" y/n explained to him, refusing his money at the very mention of his charity

"I'm sorry y/n. I can't ensure her survival if she's brought into this world. My minds made up. I don't want her to know me. She deserves to live, and with me as her father that isn't going to happen. I'm not telling you to leave. You're part of this family and always have been. But as far as I'm concerned, she is simply my friends daughter. That's all. If people find out she's mine, they will use her just like they used my son. He was kidnapped and I've only just got him back. I'm not going through that again"

"You're a good man Tommy. I trust that you're making the right decision. I should go now. I'm sorry for all this. Truly I am. I wish things could've been different between us," she whispered with salty tears covering her cheeks

"Me too. Goodbye y/n"

"Goodbye tommy"

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