💛Shelby's- Working Overtime Pt2

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Requested by youraveragewh0re

Time went on. As an author, I want to say that y/n forgot about the situation, that she moved on and continued her life. Alas, the truth was much less comforting. It played on her mind. Constantly wondering, what happened? Why was her underwear ripped? Why was there blood? She was knocked out so the situation was unclear. Of course, the assumption would be that she was raped. All the signs pointed towards that gruesome, invading path. But y/n didn't want to admit it. Without knowing the facts, she didn't want to assume such a horrid thing had happened to her body. So, it wasn't mentioned again. Atleast, that's what y/n hoped for

"I've made a deal with the lees" Tommy announced to the family.

"Why isn't John here? This is a family meeting, he should be here," polly asked, looking out of the window, wondering if he was just running late

"Because I can't have John knowing this. Not until the time is right anyway. He needs a wife and there's a girl-"

"No. Absolutely not. He's not a horse you can just sell off for breeding Thomas! He's your brother, my cousin. And I won't have him marrying the fucking lees" y/n yelled, standing up angrily and pushing away Arthur's comforting hand. Her fingers ran through her hair in frustration as tears brimmed in her ocean blue orbs

"I know what the lees did to you scared you. Alright? But there's no need for a war with them if peace can be made. John will learn to love his new wife and-"

"John doesn't want a wife!" She screamed

"Then why the fuck was he going to marry lizzie Stark?" Tommy snapped, suddenly changing the rooms atmosphere

"Because he's scared. This is his first time raising the kids without Martha. He never had time to grieve for her, not really. What he needs is for us to help out with the kids whenever we can. And when he falls in love, he will marry a woman who adores both him and those poor kids. Bringing a stranger into his home, a Lee of all people, well its not going to help John in any way. Find another deal, or I swear to god Thomas, I will never speak to you again," she told him quietly, tears running down her cheeks

"You're just being dramatic. You'll get over it in a day or two" Tommy grumbled. Upon hearing those uncaring words, y/n grabbed her coat and left the garrison, walking back home. Suddenly an arm pulled her back. Her fist flung towards the perpetrator and collided firmly

"Oh fucking hell" Arthur groaned, clutching at his bloody nose

"Shit! I'm so sorry Arthur. I thought...I thought you were somebody else. I didn't mean to"

"It's alright. I've had worse. You've got one hell of a swing though y/n"

"Oh I'm sorry. Come on, let's get you cleaned up" she sighed, opening her front door and letting Arthur in. He sat down on her sofa

"No not there. Don't want you to get blood on the fabric" she groaned, making him move to sit on a wooden chair

"Glad to know you've got your priorities sorted out" he huffed, hissing as a cloth touched his bloodied nose

"I'm sorry for storming out. I just can't believe Tommy. I know he's the head of the family but he's not the controller of John's life"

"Don't take this the wrong way, but why do you care? Surely we should wait and see what John's reaction is to this before arguing about it. Could be good for him," Arthur persuaded her

"Right. I won't tell John and I'll let him handle it. But he has every right to refuse the marriage and desert this family. Not much good we've done him" she scoffed, dipping the cloth into more water

It had been a few months since John's wedding. He married a Lee girl named esme and they seemed to be getting on well. Certainly attracted to eachother, that much ead clear. However, y/n just couldn't seem to like esme. She kept thinking about what the lees did, or what they may have done, and it hurt her to see esme so clueless about the cruelty her family possess

"We're going for drinks. Do you-" before esme could finish the sentence, y/n walked past her and barged into her shoulder, leaving the betting den

"I'll take that as a no then" esme scoffed marry me? From author

Later on that night, y/n was in John's house after babysitting the kids

"I'm going to bed. Fucking knackered. Thank you for taking care of them. You're the best" he slurred drunkenly, kissing her forehead before stumbling up the stairs

"Oh I know. Goodnight. Katie wants you to give her a kiss before you go to bed. She was missing you today" y/n tells him. Once he was gone, y/n stood up to leave

"Wait, please. I just want to know what I've done wrong. I get that I'm not one of you, not by blood. I just want us to get along. You mean so much to John, and I want us to be friends. John said my family beat you up. I'm so sorry for that. I didn't know at the time and-"

"I don't hate you esme. You've made John happy and you've made his kids happy"

"Then what's the problem?" Suddenly, y/n felt like she could open up. She knew esme well enough to trust her. But not so well that it felt awkward and strange

"When I woke up after they knocked me out, my pants were torn, on the other side of the room. My dress was rolled up and there was blood. I can't remember what happened, after all I was unconscious. But...knowing you're now apart of this family, it just reminds me that I'm never gonna know what happened. I'm never going to torture them or beat them or humiliate them like they did to me. Because you being family makes them family"

"I had no idea. I'm so sorry for what you've been through. I want you to know, I envy your family. You're all so close. The reason I married John is because I was 'wild' as my father put it. I would run away and spend weeks with strange men just to get away from my family. We've never got along as well as you shelbys. You argue but you also protect and love one another. You smile and laugh. What happened to you...well I don't think we'll ever know the full truth. But know this, you're my cousin now, and I trust and love you more than I could any of the Lee men" without another word, esme opened her arms and y/n ran to her, hugging her tightly

"I'm sorry for being so cruel to you" she cried

"I'm sorry for not listening sooner" esme cried aswell. They looked at eachother and both began laughing slightly

"This stays between us until you say otherwise. If I take it to my grave, then so be it. Us girls gotta stick together" smiling, y/n thanked her before leaving. After that moment, y/n made sure to get her revenge, with the help of her new found best friend esme.

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