💛Shelby's- Working Overtime

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Requested by youraveragewh0re

Hours after hours, y/n watched as Arthur attempted to fix the numbers. She knew that she would have to redo them once he had finished, but for now, she simply allowed him the chance to try. Maths was never Arthur's strong point. It wasn't particularly a skill of y/ns, but she was certainly more accurate than her cousins

With y/n peering over his shoulder, Arthur huffed and dropped the chalk on the floor

"Is this really necessary?" He grumbled


"You're watching me like I'm a child with a knife. Makes me all nervous when you watch me like that." Y/n turned around and rolled her eyes whilst John chuckled with her

"Oh fuck it. I've done. Come on, I need a drink," Arthur huffed, grabbing his jacket as did John and Tommy

"You coming y/n?" John asked

"No I'm gonna stay behind for abit" she said

"You're only saying that so you can redo all the fucking numbers," Arthur boomed, his voice echoing off each wall

"Go cry about it over a glass of whiskey. Now leave me to it. I get much more work done when I'm alone than I do when I've got you three effing and geffing every two seconds" y/n forcibly pushed them out of the door, laughing when John tripped over on his way out. Once they were gone, y/n sighed, running back towards the chalk board and fixing everything that had just been accomplished

Time flew by, and it was only when y/n was finished that she began to feel wrong. Her toes were tingling and her head felt rather warm. Something was wrong.

"Hello?" Y/n called out. But there was no reply

The sound of silence can be a loud noise, making a person feel much more than any other sound wave. Everything that was once real...Once safe...suddenly felt...different

Being alone is wonderful. But being by yourself, not truly alone, that's when it goes downhill. Things turn into other things. Every shadow becomes the devil. A simple gust of wind becomes the enemy. And so, y/n put on her coat ready to leave, not wasting a single moment

SLAM went the door!

"Finn? Is that you love? Tommy's gone down to the pub if you're looking for him," y/n cried out, expecting finn home any moment. When no response came, she sighed, walking towards the door

"Finn, what's happened sweetheart? Is everything-" her words were cut short by the feeling or cool metal being pressed against her head and a rough hand gripping her wrist tightly. Several men barged into the betting den. Y/n didn't recognise a soul in the room, but she stood her ground

"Who the fuck are you?" She asked as they trashed the place

"My cousins will have you for this! They'll fucking kill you!"

"You tell you cousins, the Lees say hello," a man whispered down her ear. His unwelcomed hot breath was the last thing she felt before an eery darkness swept over her vision.

It was several hours later when finn came running in, dropping down to y/ns side. Now awake but disorientated, she kissed his forehead and told him

"Go and get Tommy's. He's at the pub"

"But you-"

"I'm fine. Please just go and get him," she hissed as she pulled herself up, gripping onto her head whilst her other hand clutched against the chair for support. Not a moment later, Tommy, John, Arthur and polly all ran in

"Oh mum, I'm sorry. I thought it was finn and i-"

"It's alright love. Sit down" polly ushered, pulling out a chair but y/n shook her head

"No. I'm fine. I'm alright"

"You're clearly not alright. You've got blood dripping down the side of your face. Why don't you just listen and sit down? Won't do you any harm" John convinced her. Sadly, y/n sat down, wincing at the agonising feeling in her ribs. It was similar to having a horse sit on your stomach. Feels like a weight is crushing your organs

"Tommy, it was the lees. I tried to be brave. I promise, I did. But I must've got knocked out from behind. I don't remember it. All I remember is waking up again" she explained as arthur put a hand on her shoulder.

"They left these" Tommy emerged from his office

"Wire cutters. Why would they leave wire cutters?" Polly asked

"Nobody move" Arthur ordered, trying to remain calm. Y/n looked up at him and saw right through that brave look. Discreetly, she placed her hand ontop of his, smiling slightly at him

"Looks like our friends are playing the game" Tommy continued.

"Tommy, just tell us what's going on. We'd all get alot more done in life if you didn't spend time with dramatics" y/n scoffed

"What fucking game?" Polly asked, trying to walking into her own office but she was quickly stopped by John

"Pol, do not...touch...anything" it was no becoming clear to y/n that this was alot more than a simple mess

"What's going on?" Y/n asked, looking around at her cousins for answers

"Erasmus Lee was in France," Tommy put it simply. As if that helped y/n and polly.

"Where's finn?" Y/n suddenly asked

"He's playing outside"

"The lees have just robbed us. He shouldn't be out by himself," she yelled, standing up. Arthur put his hand out to stop her moving

"When we gave up ground to the germans, we'd leave booby traps. And...we'd leave wire cutters as part of the joke" Tommy explained

"Somewhere in here, there's a hand grenade" John mumbled, looking around nervously

"Wouldn't it have gone off already?" Y/n asked them all

"She's right. It was my name on that bullet. This was meant just for me. Not anybody else." Thinking hard, y/n and Tommy made eye contact and suddenly realised

"The car"

"Oh god" y/n gasped

"It's alright. I'll go and get rid of the grenade"

"No its not that. Tommy, I never told you before because I promised finn. But one of his favourite games is when he gets in your car and he pretends to be you. If he's outside right now, on his own, I can guarantee, he's in that car" not another second was waisted before Tommy bolted out of the door. Y/n tried to go with him but collapsed in pain, gripping onto her ribs

"You need to rest. You've probably got a broken rib. Tommy will handle finn"

"But what if-"

"No buts. Everything will be fine. You need that wound on your head sorting. And your hair needs a wash, it's covered in blood" John told her, hugging her gently so he didn't further worsen her injuries

"Fucking ridiculous" she grumbled, accepting her fate as arthur got ready to press alcohol against her cuts

But y/n never told them what really happened. She never told them that when she woke up, her pants were torn. She never told them that she had to stuff the bloodied pants in her bag before anyone would notice, before finn had entered. She didn't tell them any of that.

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