
My father rushed quickly as he heard me scream, but grinned as he saw where I was seated.

Frank Iero, my favourite member, had emailed me!!

I practically shook with excitement, hardly able to type anything back.

"Well?" I spun around , as I shouted. "How?!"

My dad laughed.
"Relax. I posted you playing the guitar." He said. "Now don't hate me! Look what it's done."

I smiled, and turned back. I quickly typed on the computer. A short message, and off it went.

As the woosh sound came from my speakers, I jumped up in excitement.

"Ahh, thank you dad!!" I cry, hugging him tightly. He was the whole reason this happened, and I was so happy!! Frank, finally knows I exist!

I turn back towards the computer, and nearly faint.

"He replied!!" I shriek, feeling like a fangirl. Just.. Male.
I run over, clicking on the icon of the email, and reading it slowly.

I cover my mouth as I read.
"I'll be up to help you pla..."

I look at my dad, who has left the room to do something.
I begin shaking again. I'm so incredibly happy! What do I do? will he come visit me? Oo, I have so many questions!

I suddenly hear the doorbell, and my dad opens it.
"Yeah, he's just in the other room." I hear him speak.

'Who's he talking too?' I wonder, looking out the glass door.


Chris immediately ran to check his hair, make sure there is no stains on his shirt, and check his breath.

"Christopher! You have a guest." His father says, knocking before opening the door.

His father smiles, before stepping out of the way.
The other male, who Chris nearly faints to, smiles.

"Hey." He says, reaching to shake Chris's hand.
Chris slowly leans his hand forward, taking the other mans hand into his own.

Chris admires Frank's tattoos.
"Uhh, hello?" He chuckled. Chris immediately snapped out of his trance, and shook his hand.

"Yes. Hi, sorry. I'm just- so excited to meet you." Chris said quickly, grasping his own hands together. "You're like- an inspiration to me." He added.

Frank smiled again, patting his shoulder. "Well how fun. You seems like a cool guy yourself. And I'll be happy to help." He said.

Chris smiled widely.

His dreams were finally coming true.



I had several My Chem posters plastered on my wall, some Fall Out Boy, Slipknot, Blur, and Joyce Manor.

I feel myself redden as I realise how messy my room is.

"Sorry for the mess.." I mumbled, brushing my hair out of my face.
Frank looks up at me and smiles.

"It's completely fine. You should see how Gerard make everything look." He chuckles. "He's a wreck. But he's my friend."

I smiled at that.

"Soo, Christopher," Frank began. "You're having trouble with guitar right?"

I nodded. "Yeah. It's just over there." My finger points to the closet.

He nods, standing up.

"Wait- I-I can go get it." I immediately say.

Frank looks at me confused. "I can grab it for you, it's okay." He says.

I quickly shake my head. "No- there's- stuff in there." I quickly say.

He smiles. "What can be in there that's so bad?" he asks, jogging over to it.

I die of embarrassment as he opens the closet.
He stands there for a moment, before turning around to look at me.

A smirk is plastered on his face.

"Well, what a surprise." He finally said, pulling out a gag.
I feel my face grow even hotter as I bury my face in my hands.

I heard him mumble something, then throw the gag back into the closet, and grab the guitar.

I couldn't pay attention with the problem in my pants.

"I think you're great." • Frank IeroxMale!ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang