
You sit on your bed in distress. This big dream of yours doesn't seem to be working out very much.

You sigh, deciding to go for another walk to help ease your mind from all the stress.

As you walk, you feel yourself growing hungry. You decide to stop at a sandwich shop.

You go inside, ordering a simple baloney, and then sit and wait.

"Order for.. Christopher?" The waitress calls, looking around. You stand, eager for your food.

"Yes, thats me, thank you." You say, taking the bag. "How much?"

She thinks for a second. "Your number?"

You tense, suddenly feeling awkward.

"U-Uh.. I-. Sorry, I'm not interested in girls." You say, laughing nervously.

She immediately went wide eyed. "Oh I'm so sorry! $10 is okay." She said, handing you your receipt.

You nod. "Thank you. And it's fine. Have a good day."

She smiles. "You too!"


I make my way home, still embarrassed about the sandwich situation. But the food is pretty good, so I'm not complaining.

As I'm walking, I hear my phone buzz. I take it out of my pocket and check.

"Hey kiddo. Check the computer when you get home. Someone wants to speak to ya ;)" - dad

I think. Who would email me? All my friends either don't have computers, or emails.

I suck on my bottom lip, as I flip the phone shut and stuff it back into my pocket.

I take out my iPod, eager to see if any of my favourite bands have made any new albums.

I see a 'Blink-182' song I haven't listened to, so I decide to listen to that.

I smile, really enjoying the song. It reminds me of my ex, but nonetheless, it's great.


As I unlock the door, it's half past eight. Usually, I'd be home earlier but the girl at the shop just had to hold me up.

I notice a pile of homework I'd disregarded on my backpack, but ignore it.

I walk over to the computer in the sunroom, and log in.

"One, new email." The electric voice read.
I drug the mouse over to the icon, and clicked.

"Hey." Is all I read before screaming.

"I think you're great." • Frank IeroxMale!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now