Usopp used his slingshot to shoot at any of the fishmen as the four of them made their way through the fishmen swiftly attacking and deflecting their attacks as Delilah took a step back just as one of the fishmen aimed his axe at her.

It was the same fishmen that had attacked her at Baratie and Sanji seemed to recognize him as he swiftly pushed him away from Delilah and grabbed her hand. "Not you again," The fishmen seemed annoyed as he looked at the blonde. "Don't think you've gotten away with hurting Delilah, much less even looking in her direction." Sanji said as he dealt with the fishmen. "Shit," Usopp mumbled as he ran out of the park heading towards the woods.

Delilah grabbed another one of her arrows as she shot at a fishmen that was going to attack Zoro. Placing her bow on her back Delilah punched a fishmen and kicked at his feet as he landed on the ground, turning to face the other two she kicked one in the knee and punched the other in the face as she stepped back watching them crash into each other. She felt something hit against her back as she turned around to see Zoro. "Duck." He said as he raised his sword.

Without hesitation Delilah ducked as she heard a slash and felt some blood splatter across her face. Getting up Delilah turned to face Zoro who faced her as she grabbed his sword and pulled him into a hug as she thrust his sword into a fishmen's chest.

Swiftly pulled it out as she took a step back from Zoro who looked at her trying to take in what just happened. "Sorry," She handed him his sword back as she noticed that Sanji was struggling to fight off a fishmen. Grabbing her bow again Delilah placed an arrow in it before shooting at the fishmen. "Thanks, sweetheart." The blonde grinned at her as the three of them stood in the center of the park.

"If you're getting tired just let me know, I can deal with them on my own." Delilah turned to see that Zoro was talking to Sanji. "I can see that your moves are getting sloppy swordsmen," Sanji said as they heard a grunt.

The three of them watched as a few fishmen raised to their feet looking at them with pure anger in their eyes. The fishmen charged at the swordsman, chef and princess as the three of them blocked and counter attacked their moves.

Delilah heard Zoro release a breath as he struck at a fishman who came his way as he landed on one knee slowly placing his hand over his chest as Delilah could see the blood staining the bandage. "You look tired." She heard Sanji say as he kicked back one of Arlong's crew members as Delilah kicked away a fishmen and stabbed an arrow into his stomach.

"You ought to get back in the kitchen." Zoro replied as he got to his feet, narrowing his eyes at Sanji as he raised his sword as someone came up behind him. The fishmen dropped to the floor as Sanji raised his voice. "Quit screwing around. Luffy and Nami need us." Kicking one of the fishmen Delilah felt a pain in her chest as she stumbled backwards. "Shit"

Wincing at the pain Delilah huffed as she grabbed an arrow and placed it in her bow. Before she could shoot, she felt herself get thrown to the floor as she felt a kick on her back. Rolling over Delilah got to her feet as she dropped her bow and raised her hands. "Come on, princess, you can just give in." Instead, Delilah charged at him as she punched his face before kicking his knee and stomach.

"You just got here, you have no clue what Luffy and the crew need." She heard Zoro say as she grabbed the man's hand and twisted it behind his back as she heard a slash and watched the man drop to his knees as she watched blood dance along the soil.

Delilah locked eyes with Zoro who pulled her away from the body gently intertwining their fingers together. "They need my cooking." Sanji replied as he looked at Delilah and Zoro's intertwined fingers. "What? Slapping two pieces of bread together." Zoro mocked as Delilah slapped his chest lightly trying to warn him to be nice.

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