Chapter 53 - Traitor

Start from the beginning

Ten minutes later, Shoto walked in.

As soon as he opened the door, their eyes met. Aizawa noticed absently that he didn't seem surprised by his presence - excellent spatial awareness or poker face, he wasn't sure.

"Aizawa-sensei" the boy greeted.

The dark-haired man nodded, studying him as he retrieved the motorcycle helmet from his desk. He wiped the tinted glass with his elbow to remove fingerprints.

"Shoto, why do you want to be a hero ?"

The boy froze.

A few seconds passed, during which the professor never took his eyes off him.

Then he slowly went back to cleaning his helmet.

"For wealth and fame" he replied sarcastically.

"Shoto" Aizawa warned.

The boy raised his heterochromatic eyes at him, and the teacher was mentally outraged that students were allowed to cover half their faces like that.

He already looked blank, and his mask made it almost impossible to read him.

He had a good excuse, though: from what Nezu had told him, the boy had already escaped a kidnapping AND an assassination attempt when he was less than ten years old.

Endeavor had then seen fit to protect his identity at all costs, obliterating everything on the Internet, from a harmless photo of his son to the tiniest line mentioning his existence.

The mask he wore at all times was just another security measure, but perhaps not the most useful, given his unusual hair and eyes.

Endeavor then apparently fought to get his son a license to carry bladed weapons - since he couldn't get a special dispensation to use his Quirks - in light of the threats to his existence.

This was an unprecedented authorization for a minor who hadn't even reached puberty.

"What do you want me to say, Sensei ?"

He looked annoyed.

"It's not important what I want, but that you know why you're doing it"

Shoto stared at him and sighed.

"You saw my fight with Midorya, didn't you ?"

If the professor was surprised that he got to the point so quickly, he didn't show it.

"Anything you want to tell me about it ?"

The boy pretended to think.

"Except that he's a whiner who doesn't have the shoulders to be at Yuei ? No, I don't think so"

"Don't bully your classmates, Shoto"

He hadn't refuted his opinion on Midoriya, and neither he nor the boy missed this half-denial. A thin smile curled the teenager's lips for a moment.

"I wasn't harassing him," Shoto continued. "I just -"

"Don't give unwanted advice to your comrades," Aizawa interrupted him, already knowing what he was going to say. "And don't take it out on them because you're bored"

By the end of the day, Aizawa knew that Shoto was somewhat unstable. Warning him now would allow the teacher to take action against him in the future if he proved to be detrimental to the progress of the other students.

The boy shrugged.

It wasn't as if he was surprised; he had expected at least one teacher to notice his strange behavior towards Midorya, even if he would have leaned more towards All Might.

[ENG]Shoto Todoroki : Modern-day TerroristWhere stories live. Discover now